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June Tarot * new moon * on empty

Having been sent adrift for the fiftisomethieth time, on record at least and of late, and with no foreseeable livelihood, lodging or love life to speak of on the horizon, am taking a little bit more interest in this new moon than most. There is the question of what to draw upon or look unto, and can I just be rather than much to do about this nothingness of a new moon ??

Going into the darkness like chocolate there are the usual clichés such as out with the olde and in with the new and be careful for what you pray or ask for as you may get something beyond your wildest of imaginations, or if willing to trade order for magic, there is the additional caveat inquiring as to if one might be willing to sell cleverness for bewilderment ??

If I make a wish, am I sure of going over the top and perhaps for something seemingly out of reach ?? How far to stretch the proverbial envelope ?? From the unseen to the seen, the unreal to the real, and the unknown to the known, of just what ilk is this femme fatale called of uncertainty ??

And there’s more…. do I light a candle, sage the room, not to mention myself, indulge in a sea salt scrub and/or bath, get the crystals out, light some incense, meditate and put on my music of choice (Snatam Kaur of late) ?? As a wanna be barefoot mystic, I take my shoes off, invite in my guardian angels and animal totems and maybe ask the same of the ancestors.

Before I retire for the night I recall to ask a question of import and be open to an answer come dawn. As I soften to receive, I recall to make due note of prompts received, to not let some seemingly random thought go by as unnoticed. Ditto for that song in my head/on my brain, when all of a sudden thinking of a certain person, place or thing, that book to read, place to visit or thing to do. When that quote comes to mind, jot it down. When that unfathomable idea or proposition rears its head, google it !! Trust the process for goddess sake.

Can I refrain from mindlessly filling empty space or my empty stomach ?? Do I real eyes that it is but eye that is the emergent fool, and from deep within the abyss ?? Unto the rhythm of ebb and flow, I save room for yes and give thanx & praise. I rest, regroup and redirect. I create, develop and cultivate the open space of my heart & soul. In dreamtime I realign with the divine and find inspiration, and as clarity within affords movement without. Dream my life, live my dreams. With each I sit, and in knowing that truth is univisceral. Go for a swim, sing a song and dance the night away. I refresh, renew and reboot. For all I know all I need is a midseason reboost. Plan(t) now, follow up on things @the full moon. Fall in love with my mother ocean & earth mothers, enter unto the open doors, and look to the Mayan lunar calendar. Draw a card before gathering my things and commencing upon my next campaign of choice.

the moon in Voyager Tarot * by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Live in harmony with your moon cycles. Allow yourself to be deeply affected by emotions. Do not be afraid to change (things up) or to be unpredictable. Let yourself be influenced by emotional undercurrents, the surges and pulls of feelings. Dive into the subconscious and the past, and consider to further reflect, contemplate and imagine. Go inward unto yourself. Be aware of your subconscious motivations and drives. Self reflect and move (in harmony) with your emotions. Reflect deeply before acting. Follow the feminine values, ways and means. Complete old habit patterns, particularly in relationships. Be emotionally attached, but also able to complete relationships. Use your menstruation periods for inner knowing and strength. Use meditation to maintain your emotions so that you do not drown in them nor drown (out) others. Recall that you are emotionally magnetic, attracting others to you thru your genuine show of joyous feelings. Keep a strong emotional attachment to your loved ones. Be receptive and a receiver. Be a romantic and a dreamer. Let yourself dream in half lit places, in the shade, under candlelight and in the desert. Remember your dreams and night visions. Do not be afraid to take the big step, the first step, nor the last step. Follow (up on) your intuitions and dream messages.

intuit and feel out the truth....



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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