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Desire: Distraction or Devotion and the Cross of Chaos: Gemini New Moon

Doubt Mutates Desire: The New Moon in Gemini

To expand and grow means being able to step into the next adventure. Life gives clear hints. Your intuition knows exactly what is up. Though you might tremble and shake; to dare to explore the unexplored is the key to aliveness. Trembling and shaking - is the feeling of awareness rising. - “Osho” When energies are this changeable in every second, doubts naturally arise as to our direction, and thus doubt mutates desire, and we are called onto new paths, called by the magnet of a mysterious compass. Due to this previous weekend’s New Moon in Gemini catalyzing a Grand Mutable Square - this “Cross of Chaos” could be one of the most destabilizing and transformative moons of the year, shapeshifting your identity, your home, your career, and your relationships for the rest of 2016. The various configurations are explored below the following announcement.

In honor of the New Moon in Gemini the next few weeks, I will be writing a series of short articles and essays about lesser known aspects of astrology, but some of my favorite, most specific, and most revealing poetry that Astrology brings to the world, such as the Sabian Symbols, Asteroids, the Fixed Stars, the 13th Constellation, and the birth charts of Cities.

I am also offering a special through the Summer Solstice on my 30 and 45 minute consultations so you can glimpse into your Summer transits or your personal Asteroids, Sabian Symbols, Fixed Stars.

30 minute special - %25 off - $75

45 minute special - %25 off - $120 Email to schedule a session.


The Grand Mutable Cross of this New Moon in Gemini can be broken down into three distinct categories: Dissolution, Distraction, and Devotion summarized by these wild configurations—

The Sun and Moon join Venus and Vesta in Gemini, all of which oppose Saturn in Sagittarius. All of these planets square Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo and Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. Together, that’s over 6 simultaneous Grand Crosses—the most challenging aspect in all of astrology.

Conjure the Surfer:

The squaring of Mutable energy—the overwhelming tidal force—the surfer in the most awesome, epic, and intimidating wave of her entire life. She has already stood on her board and there is no chance of getting off. She must remain completely focused just to stay alive. She cannot be distracted by the daunting size of the wave, and the changes coming in her life. If she loses that concentration of pure Saturnian effort and crystalline awareness, she knows that her life will be completely dissolved, she will meet her end in Neptune’s abysmal undertow.

What Sagittarian philosophy can save her in these precious, precipice seconds? She has to trust her animal instinct, and the wisdom of intuition, even as her Virgo must make the precise technical adjustments. A whole new vocabulary must emerge to navigate this wave, she must use every Gemini language she’s ever learned just to survive these Piscean seas of fate, imagination, and destiny.

Her only friend: Trust

Her only freedom: Uncertainty

The challenge of the New Moon is always to clarify an intention, but our intentions are now quartered along the angles of this crazed and chaotic square. Intention is built on attention, and we attend to desires. Mars, still retrograde in Scorpio, has not yet fully peeled back the gauze of all our unconscious wounds, though we question the very foundations of our desire-nature.

Am I sleepwalking? Why am I doing what I am doing right now? What do I yearn to receive on the other side of it? If I desire this person, this ambition, this travel, this transformative process, I must feel incomplete in some way. And will I feel satisfied when I finally conjoin with my desire and embody its realization? Absolutely not, because I have desired before, and my blood still pulses with further desire. When does it end? Why should I desire at all? Who is it in me that has desired to begin with?

When the North and South Node are involved, our destiny pressures its presence into our lives, soul-fragments rise to the surface to heal, soul-contracts appear, and facilitate the DESIRE to carry your evolution forward.

And with the New Moon conjunct two symbols of the sacred feminine: Venus and asteroid Vesta, we question what we are truly dedicated to in our relationships. Can we use our sexuality to go beyond just self or other pleasure, but instead facilitate an act of ritual worship? Have we been hearing about this but not following through with our studies and practices?

After my recent Tantra retreat in Germany, based in some of Osho’s teachings, I have been studying this master’s perspectives. One idea is that as we must create a sacred marriage between our masculine and feminine chakras, and as we merge the first two chakras, and then the next two, and the next two, along the way up the ladder of consciousness, we increasingly lose interest in the “lover” outside of us, the needs and projections for and about that woman or man., and we open into the realm of the eternal union at the 7th chakra.

Paraphrasing Osho, Tantra says you cannot be satisfied with the Outer, you will have to move inwards. You choose to follow your desires all the way through and you will have to eventually find the Inner Man/Woman…Make love to your partner and let your consciousness move to the inside in pure meditation.

Tantra is the essence of the Vestal connection in relationships, and this Mutable New Moon asks us to find our medicine, our muse, our practice, that we can truly commit to, even amidst the outer circus of impermanence, can we perceive with the calm eye of the storm, aligned with Divine Truth: the ultimate, the eternal, the changeless.

InLove, Owlways,



The New Moon in Gemini

Due to this previous weekend’s New Moon in Gemini catalyzing a Grand Mutable Square - this “Cross of Chaos” could be one of the most destabilizing and transformative moons of the year, shapeshifting your identity, your home, your career, and your relationships for the rest of 2016. The various configurations are explored below.

In honor of the New Moon in Gemini the next few weeks, I will be writing a series of short articles and essays about lesser known aspects of astrology, but some of my favorite, most specific, and most revealing poetry that Astrology brings to the world, such as the Sabian Symbols, Asteroids, the Fixed Stars, the 13th Constellation, and the birth charts of Cities.

I am also offering a special through the Summer Solstice on my 30 and 45 minute sessions so you can glimpse into your Summer transits or your personal Asteroids, Sabian Symbols, Fixed Stars.

30 minute sessions deal - %25 off - $75

45 minute session deal - %25 off - $120

NEWSLETTER COURSE DISCOUNTS $10 off Discount Coupon - Love, Sex, and Relationship Success with Astrology: Honor Your Version fo the Divine Masucline and Feminine $10 off Coupon: Discover Your Optimum Career Path with Basic Astrology



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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