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September Tarot * Jill Stein * trust

Truth starts together (Bernie), and…. we build the road as we go (Mondragon).

Jill Stein is running for the office of the President of the United States. Mondragon is a cooperative that survived Franco. What the two of them have in common is beside me, albeit would not hurt my feelings if she adopted more than a few of their most cherished tenets.

If you would be so kind to allow me my usual ramble, and as it is per usual, the following is a bit of a preamble: to make products for the use of the people rather than mere profit for the few, to enjoin socialism and democracy as one and inseparable, and to employ a radical democracy as opposed to the farcical elections of the now and one day defunct ruling capital class.

Our work is to heal the estrangement between the peoples and (their) nature. The feminine balances the masculine. The question for me at least, is Jill Stein capable of playing the wild ass in light of the Jackass and the donkey currently of much greater public renown ?? In the wild, the ass is fast, can go without water for days and works for what it has to eat, and is healthy. Domesticated within our industrialized society, the donkey is overweight and slowed. Well behaved women rarely make history. Will Jill shed her ill fated façade of “Ain’t Misbehavin’ ??” If Jill Stein is indeed the renaissance woman of our times, she needs to get things into full swing.

Mondragon was a cooperative of owner workers who renounced wage labor and instead adopted a pay differential not to exceed a ratio of one to six, meaning the highest paid worker owner would not be paid more than six times the lowest paid worker owner of the coop.

Initially Mondragon workers made a contribution of one year’s salary upon joining the coop. They held that workers have primacy in distribution of any and all surpluses and that an individual’s interest cannot and will not be sold, and that earnings were related only to a person’s own work. They saw enterprise best fit to sustain themselves at between 40 to 400 members, and felt that bureaucracies needed to be broken up into human sized pieces at less than four or five hundred peoples. They real eyes that an ecosystem cannot be divided into manageable parts, for its properties reside in the whole, and in the connections between the parts, and in knowing that our lives are only possible and meaningful within a community.

Their elected governing council meets monthly and the Mondragon owner worker assembly meets once/year. Seventy percent of profits go to owner workers’ personal internal capital accounts and are apportioned to the number of hours worked and salary grade, and are not to be removed until an owner worker retires or leaves. Twenty percent goes to a reserve fund and ten to social and charitable institutions. They host eating clubs where members eat and drink together at regular intervals, and where members have a key to the kitchen and dining room and are free to come in at any time, and to eat and drink anything in the house, as they please.

They employ collective risk taking, exercising fission in hiving off new coops, and that after 1.5 to two years of planning and a requisite training process. The residual is additional leisure time, a lesser intensity of work, and better human relations, not to mention more oft than not a kinder managing director who justly employs a concern for human dignity and pays a healthy respect to workplace intangibles that translate into the idea of community, and where the well being of the individual is best brought into harmony with that of the cooperative community as a whole.

Mondragon worker owners own the pie in its entirety. They are paid two semi annual bonuses, not to mention that they drink clean water and breathe clean air, at least in theory or practice.

That is unless they continue to be overcome by our American excess, fed by our belief in a false surfeit that fuels our grossly voracious and endless consumption of our ocean & earth’s most precious nonrenewable resources, and in what amounts to our futile attempt to conquer nature.

The social menace at present is our destruction of the environment. Pursuit of private profits has led to a five to tenfold rise in environmental pollution, and whilst there is but little effort to limit wage differentials and as we are further exposed for our bloodthirsty and singleminded pursuit of the accumulation of almighty personal wealth. Desert solitaire is the end game here.

Industrialism maintains and expands human inequality and separateness. Progress is but the call to action that justifies the practice of domination. We are all but the lonely children of post modernism and the predatory nature of modern industrialism. Our patriarchal preoccupation with the megamachine has us long ago trading magic for order. The farmstead has given way to the excessive exercise of power and in turn the formation of hierarchy. Industrial managers are largely immune to the concerns of the individual, not to mention basic human freedoms and any notion of community. The irreversible tendency of a closed system is toward increasing disorder.

We have been left for dead and with sterile divisions and vanities within and between our peoples and society. Chem ag is the farming of Bhopal and famine, and again somehow leaves the macabre of us within a most perversely reassuring context, that the masses of the destitute doth duly comfort the rich. How will Jill ever get this most absurd of nations to all fall together ??

Jack fell down and broke (lost) his crown, and…. the humbling came after. Taxation without representation is the (Capitol) hill that this (perhaps too watered down Green) Gill must humble.

The true queen wears no crown…. (and by Jove she may well be a child of god and perhaps even homo illuminus, but…. can she humble the American dream down to earth without crashing it ?)

Trust * six of wands * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle * by James Wanless

Be part of the process. Work in harmony with natural law and order. Take responsibility for that which you can and for that which you cannot, find your rhythm as best you can.

See the goodness within others. Know that you will feel when something is not right.

Refrain from falling in with any belief in homeland insecurity. They are the truly oppressed, and but grasping for straws and of blind faith in their faithful’s anything but official straw poll.

Express yourself. Be willing to be vulnerable, and perhaps to be left for exposed. Real eyes that it takes all kinds to build a world and that everyone has their own unique destiny to fulfill, and that it is just the such that works to create the web of oneness. Trust in diversity. Trust in life.

Vow to remain yourself as you cross over and meet the unknown. Do not be suspicious, uptight nor doubtful. Make believe. Be open, accepting and tolerant. Let go and let live. Let yourself be held by another. Trust in our ocean & earth and know that things will fall together. Be a faithful companion to her. Live and let live and recall that noninterference is the first law of spirituality. Be ecumenical and real eyes that all is well and that “everybody gets in.”

We work best in ensemble and in concert. Reach out and touch someone. Drop out and join in.

Recall that there is no Wizard of Oz and that no one is the savior. Know thyself. Know that you get out of life what you put in, into the community, in love and in circle. Use your healing hands to put another’s mind to rest. Burn a candle to still your beating heart. Be accepting of things and at peace with the outcome. Be loyal to your truest of natures. As our rainbow bridge, say what you mean and mean what you say. We will all come humbling down after you.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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