Standing Rock * To kill a congresswoman * rainbow bridge

Tulsi Gabbard is goin’ paniolo for the weekend. She’s skipping town in favor of the country. Honolulu is set for a balmy 80 degrees, Cannon Ball North Dakota for fifty degrees less at thirty and will be down to eight degrees by midweek.
Not one to shy away from contention, earlier this year she was none too happy with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and ended up leaving her post as vice chair, and was eventually in the conversation as a possible running mate for Bernie, and may be the most likely 2020 hopeful outside of Elizabeth Warren.
Talkin’ tweedlefree and tweedle freedom, she is part of the Congressional Native American Caucas, and concerned about a federally permitted project that threatens water that runs thru tribal lands, not to mention a signed Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum on top of that, all of which were convened of this current millennium and not of centuries gone by.

She’s a keeper. We need her help in cases like freedom from the Nestles water privatization grab near Flint Michigan, and in the face of this 3.8b boondoggle which is over four times the length of the Grand Canyon, and another example of where oil and water don’t mix.
Gabbard is sippin’ a bit on the ISIS koolaid and the war on terror, al Qaeda etc., and she is under consideration for a cabinet post working with Mr. T., albeit her like other turtle island, ocean & earth children and more than a coupla few rollin’ stones, have come to arrest this illegal war, and not the one in Syria, but here on our home soil, abut and up against Standing Rock. Her story is not unlike the rest of us, who can hardly fathom the seemingly inevitable environmental fate of this nation, completely oblivious to living in harmony with natural law and order.

Trust * six of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Do not be afraid to cross over and meet the unknown. Recall that you are right where you need to be and are a rainbow bridge for others. Trust your love, your light, your beauty and in and of your inner richness. Be open and vulnerable. Let go and be held. See goodness in others. Real eyes that it takes all kinds to build this world. Trust in our diversity and recall that everyone has their own unique destiny to fulfill, and that this is what creates the web of oneness. Live and let live and know that everything will work out for the best. Do not interfere.
Trust in yourself, trust in life. Be confident that you have been given the abilities and opportunities to real eyes your hopes and dreams. Maintain a belief in oneself and the universe. Concentrate on the task at hand and trust in the goodness of the universe. Lend a supporting hand and communify. Take responsibility for what you can and find your rhythm for that which you seemingly cannot, and recall once again that we the peoples are all in interrelationship and interdependent.
It is an international imperative that we move from the killing fields to these meeting grounds. We need to figure this out. Thank you Tulsi, and thank you voyager. Aho mitakuye oyasin.