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Standing Rock * Chadmiration, Odin & JC * hang out near lakes

Drew a card the other day for a friend of mine that is heading out to Standing Rock, mostly cuz I was wondering how he was doing and as we had been missing each other on the phone. And then yesterday I drew a card for myself, again mostly just to assess the state of the union, myself personally and given things at Standing Rock, and drew the exact same card, reversed.... and figured that was reason enough to share.

Hanged man (reversed) * 12 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Turn the hanged man card around and it becomes a symbol of victory and liberation.

Consider that salvation is attained by passive surrender to the divine rather than by assertiveness and forceful resistance to the powers that be, and perhaps recall that when the power of love overcomes the love of power, that this world will once again know peace, love and understanding, and joy.

Surrender is represented by our complete letting go of self aspiration and personal ego. This is symbolized by the hanged man’s identification with water. In water we can let go. In plunging to the depths, a metaphorical death is experienced.

The gift of (wood) comes in its own time, and for this one must wait…. We should not worry and seek to shape the future by interfering in things before the time is ripe…. Only a strong (woman) can stand up to (her) fate…. This strength shows itself in uncompromising truthfulness with oneself, without any sort of self deception or illusion, and so that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may be recognized. the iChing.

Face your self deceptions. Real eyes that by diving into the dark night of the soul, you turn the shadow into light. Consider to give in to the cross you must bear and consider too that your karmic challenge may be completed and transmuted into strength and victory.

The hanged man is symbolic of the mythological Odin and his later manifestation as Christ. Their wisdom and power was attained thru giving in by self sacrifice. Thru ego surrender and acceptance of our fate, we are redeemed and resurrected. By hanging upside down on the tree of life, and by immersing ourselves in the purifying waters, conversion and rebirth are possible.

Keep your beliefs on hold and in suspension. Sacrifice your ego identification with your ideas, and instead respect your elders and listen well of our indigenous peoples. Donate your security blankets to a good cause and move from catastrophic to anastrophic, the belief that something (really) good is about to happen.

Give in to your feelings. Wash away your despair and feelings of despondency, and reLife. Go into the darkness like chocolate and relight your fire. Breathe and drink deeply of life. Put down the bottle and pass on the fatty. Find patience and tolerance for those of us emotionally numb and spiritually void. Dance and do yoga. Take good care of yourself. Eat good things, do good things. Eat unconventional foods, do unconventional things. Personally sacrifice in order to help others. Give of yourself and let it all be.

Hang it up and accept suspensions, albeit maintain your position. Know where you are at with things. Do not be deluded nor deceived by appearances, for there is calm under the turbulent surface of life. Explore your inner self by nonaction in the world.

Consider that this is a time of limbo which perhaps presages reversal and change. Hang out near lakes, oceans, springs, rivers, ponds, puddles and swamps. Seek dark spaces for your inward search into the light of your soul. Dive into the abyss and the unknown. If you feel caught by forces beyond your control, look at yourself and real eyes that it’s all just compost for your soul.

Choose to stay to your side of the wall, even if you’re up against this Standing Rock. Hold sacred space and respect other’s space. Aho mitakuye oyasin.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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