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December Tarot * a river runs thru it * synergy

Standing Rock is the story of a woman who turned to stone. She of a neighboring tribe, had a child with a local Lakota Sioux man who by and by had left her for another woman. Feeling abandoned, betrayed and left for dead, she in turn, turned to stone.

Turn to the sun. As sister to Standing Rock, warm your heart and share of your innermost resources. In the face of lies and before an Energy Transfer/Sunoco partnership that averages a spill every two weeks, and of whose pipeline is actually sending domestic crude offshore rather than help avert the domestic “energy crisis,” as some would like you to believe, choose to know the facts. Know what you are talking about. Have an intellectual basis for your emotional rants.

Synergy * six of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Combine your own inner resources and abilities. Then combine of those with outside resources and with others. Then again combine these partnerships into an even greater cooperative.

Keep on with the keepin’ on and keep partnering, allying and networking in ever expanding circles. Real eyes that the collective has power. Organize, co create and work in teams. Bring resources together to create an alliance of power and success. Real eyes as well a combination of energies in which the whole is greater than the sum of each of its parts. Coalesce.

Recall that synergy requires emotional courage and physical vitality. Put your ego aside and persevere. Gather and mix your resources. Think holistically and creatively. Be creative in your leadership. Follow your intuitions, dreams and visions. Follow the prompts. Create with a sense of beauty. Create a unique blending together of different energies and walk in beauty. Spin new and revolutionary ideas and all the while recall that it’s revelation and not a revolution.

Real eyes that opportunities are where peoples and resources come together, such as communities, cooperatives, unions, partnerships, associations, conventions, conclaves, intersections, medicine wheels, alliances and pow wows. Convene and construct. Nurture and cultivate. Create faithful and loyal partnerships. Weave your talents and resources together.

Perhaps even shed a tear for what was and in knowing of what will be. Make believe and renew your vow to this life. Come together now.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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