December Tarot * the Economist * 16-20-21-9-13-1-10-17

Thinkin’ this is what they call a humdinger, at least as far as a Tarotist may be concerned, as the Rothschilds, or at least under the guise of their choice for their forthcoming Economist cover for 2017, have pretty much laid out the chronology and/or plan for our seemingly inevitable NWO.
The cover has eight trump or major arcana cards laid out in two rows of four as their layout of choice. Eight is the number of justice in Tarot, and one can only wonder if the world Jewry as we know it seeks justice regarding some matter, perhaps in relation to their relocation ??
There are also two tilted cards, 20 and 17 and may mean nothing more than it’s the year of 2017. The cards shown are the tower, judgment, world, hermit, death, magi, fortune and the star. What do they mean and why did the Rothschilds, oft implicated of late as being party to human trafficking and of that blood gurgling pedophile pizzagate lot, want to flaunt their NWO stuff ??
16 Tower
It has been suggested that the note on the tower door is from Martin Luther and pays homage to the separation of Protestants from the Catholic church, and of which is set to end this year 2017. There is also the thought that concerns around free trade and globalization are brought to light in this image. Personally what resonates with me is that Eliphus Levi was a proponent of Christian socialism, symbolized by the Marxist flag on the left and the Christian cross on the right. Basically am of the mind that the issue here is one of separation, and whether that be of church and state, it represents a fall from grace and our fallen ego. There is also the question of the thunder bolt, which for some of us is symbolic of the blinding of divine light, and/or divine intervention, albeit others might want us to believe otherwise, and others still believe this event is yet to come and will be staged. Whatever the case, it is most true that the most of us believe in the concept of heaven and as a higher authority. And then there is Rumi who shares that he will meet you in a field beyond right and wrong (right and left).
Dismemberment is symbolic initiation unto the shaman, and as we recall that it is thru dismemberment or disintegration that union results, and not unlike all the dismembered gods who were ultimately resurrected whole. The tower represents a restructuring, a fire of sacrifice which brings regeneration. Out of the fire of transformation is fashioned a new soul and a new life. Be a warrior. Sacrifice with courage, will and discipline what needs to go and you will be renewed. Purify and eliminate. Restructure. Do it and make changes now, quickly and immediately. It’s high time. I just can’t stand it anymore. Enough is enough already.
Work out your problems in hot spots and the sweat lodge. Seek healing places for rebuilding yourself, such as spas, retreats and the monastery. Ready yourself for the painful warring as your cut out the dark aspects of your life. Recall that beauty will come thru difficult growth and unfoldment. Surf this wave and ride things out. Take this leap of faith as never before. Don’t listen to them, listen to her. Embrace your ethnobotanical allies and welcome your kundalini rising.
20 Judgment
You’re fired !! Judgment is our day of reckoning, our defining moment of truth. It’s showtime, time to raise the curtain, and to pull back the drapes and/or covers. Symbolically the trumpet sounds to awaken us, and to let us know it’s time to face the music. Listen to her.
Take a long look at yourself in the mirror, pull up your trousers, and get out there. It’s game time and game on. The horn has sounded, the starting gate opened and a new day has dawned. Come into your power and beauty with an amazing grace. Ensure your conscious participation in at one ment. Move from words to deeds and real eyes that we must be willing to let go of the life we may have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
Do not be like the Donald. The caduceus is useless in the hands of Trump. Use the Tarot in knowing your liberation of consciousness as your end game. With compassion as your compass stand in contrast to Trump’s destructive use of visionary power, and instead settle in with your tribe and sit and meditate upon sacred sites. It could be our last chance and the last judgment.
21 World
The masks are symbolic of the Illuminati looking at the world as their stage. Many believe they stage false flags, instigate civil unrest and finance war. Watch yourself and not others. Move from armor to amor, and in ensuring you are not of excess and in order to receive the wealth of spirit, and without calculation nor agenda. Real eyes that this is all one song and that ‘twas originally life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Move from indebted to out of debt, and forsake of the right to own property, and in recalling that possession is never nine tenths of natural law and order. Move from seizer (Caesar), to seize her. Listen to her and recall that ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what it’s built for. Live your dream, live your fantasy.
The world card is the hanged man turned right side up. Unsheathe your symbolic xcalibur and do your best to knock the corners off the squares and to help straighten out the cats with the bent frames. Honor the process of destruction and renewal. Given this transition from disorder to new world order, do not be afraid to take the big step, or the first step, nor the last step. In moving from chaos to harmony, recall that we soften to receive. Leave your broken heart wide open, and make your way down the up staircase and revisit your inner child and lover within.
9 Hermit
And maybe I’m drinking the koolaid on this one, albeit I like the thought of these young millennials and rainbow warriors of the light in procession, and of which hail from the six (visible) stars of Pleiades, and have the wise man hermit as overseer, and of whose staff keeps him grounded under counsel of otherworldly intermediaries and spirit entities. His reminder to us is that it’s revelation and not a revolution, and that life is a love story and her song our lantern. In turn they sing their rainbow songs, and know that their work is not done, as they real eyes that seven (sisters) is symbolic of a veiled unity, and that they still need to accommodate the imperialists, and as we all need to be seen and heard. This card also shows eight flags and a solar eclipse ??
The hermit shuts out the weapons of mass distraction to complete the spiritual pilgrimage and temporal work. His work is a marriage of heaven and earth, and as he works in harmony with natural law and order, and with right and honorable intention. He recalls that if you’re going to do it, do it right, and that one must take his time, and work with the integrity of loving kindness.
Meditate and live in union with the divine. Use your own way of healing to touch others, and to reveal and heal. Refrain from eating gluten, if not sugar, wheat and dairy, and perhaps fried food and meat as well, and in order to rebuild your immune system. Live simply and remain down 2 earth. Eat well and get on the land, and while following the principles of nature. Harvest what is ripe and what is right before you. Study crop circles and be at peace with things. Listen to her and share of your inner resources. Be a scribe and inscribe your insights.
13 Death
Behold a pale horse. Know purgatory as but invitation to purge of your story. Come down off your high horse, and your belief in superiority or as the chosen ones. Move from divisive to divine and real eyes that global warming and climate change (go back 100k years) is but a sham.
Give me liberty and give me death to my belief in separation. Consider instead a return to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Refrain from ownership and possession. Shed what is dead in your life, and by the deliberate and conscious cutting out of things which have become dead, heavy and stagnant. Cut away excess. Simplify and get to the core essence of your unbearable lightness of being. Recall that water is life, and that Nestles, Engergy Transfer Partners and Sunoco benefit not from the immaterial girl. Distill out and clean out effluent in your life. Fast and shed impurities out of the body. Create sacred space for new opportunities to come in.
1 Magi
Do not forget that the magician works in harmony with the four elements and that ‘tis not so much a halo but rather symbolic of our ethnobotanical allies in the plant world above the magi’s head. Use your imagination. Move from cerebral to rhythmic and from homo phobic to homo illuminous. You can do it. You are a conduit.
In this card the Economist has turned our Magi into a Wizard of Oz, and from shaman to sham. With the virtual reality goggles, justice is blind and we have moved on from the true and free wireless to being wired. He is manipulative and a trickster, having foregone any cross cultural heritage that he may be akin to, and instead is putting out the rote house that Beth built.
Where is the 100th monkey when you need him ?? Was he not heaven sent ?? Decalcify your pineal gland. Recall that an apple a day keeps the fluoride away. Intuit your way, and be into it.
Recall that the purpose in life is to real eyes your gifts and talents, and that the meaning in life is to share of them. Use word and song to make magic. Trade order for magic and touch upon the primordial pulse of life. Take inventory of any unshared resources and cross over the rainbow bridge to make rainbow dreams come true. If you’re feeling obligated to get your house in order and your ducks in a row, go see the shami. She will leave you awestruck and remind you of the story of deeds and not words, and extend the invitation to jump and join in.
10 Fortune
This card apparently has to do with the breakup of the EU. The political puppets on the spinning wheel are perhaps reminder to avoid monkey mind and the dog’s life, and in the land of the dodo bird. The 100th monkey gets it. He gets off the wheel and lives life unarrested in its development. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and consider to tune your instrument, and to live in divine union with others, rather than riding upon the hopes and fears of others.
Attune to nature and the natural world and recall that the sphinx is symbolic of the union of all. Recall that wisdom stood to the center while fortune spun her follies. Sing your heartsong and do what you know. Recall that the Tarot is not a wheel but symbolic of the spiral of life, and that this life is for living.
Do what’s taboo and take a (big) bite out of the apple. Be of service, and with an optimistic mind, fearless heart and a sense of egoless service to this water planet. This good karma brings success and reward on all levels of life. Practice clarity within and movement without. Retire to an inner stillness within to tap your inner resources. Stay low key and on the down low. Recall that we get what we want out of life but not always how and when we may have in mind.
Earth your visions. Make believe and have the courage to wait things out. Heal thru touch. Reach out and touch someone. Real eyes that hands are an extension of your heart. Don’t think it over. Recall that life is forgiving and that life is for giving.
Give things a chance. Get out there and let the spinning wheel spin. Know that it’s ok if you fall off, or fall out of favor, because best know that you’ll have another turn of the wheel of fortune.
17 star
This card apparently is a bit loopy as it recalls a snapshot from an age old tv series called a Trip to the Moon ?? And whether those are celestial beings and of luminous blood above, most are feelin’ a bit creeped out by the faces within and wondering if they may have something to do with pizzagate and the pedophiles, of who are oft rumored to be well within the Illuminati ranks.
Given the above reference, those are likely moon craters, and if one is familiar with Bucksfanian astrology there are 14 Zodiac signs, hence the 14 stars in the sky, and with the sun in the middle. There may be a tie to New Jerusalem, albeit the other two constellations are Ophiuchus (glory of god/healer) & Serpens (medicine man and serpent bearer), and Orion (the second coming) which by chance contains exactly 78 stars. The number 14 is also that of reintegration, and perhaps for some with the Prince of Peace descending back down from the Star peoples.
It may also bear mentioning that the stars are eight pointed and that there is an eight pointed star of the Anunaki. The number eight is also of salvation and new beginnings according to some, and there are eight beatitudes and others still that say the antichrist is the eighth king ??
There are ten orbs in addition to the fourteen stars, which perhaps coincidentally enough add up to the 24 protocols of the learned elders (sick puppies) of Zion, and apparently with the moral of the story being that us goyim are headed toward totalitarianism, and with the quickness. The end game is to leave us best without an opinion, and resting instead well within the realm of fear and terror.
Of course we can unsubscribe to their woebegone byline of conflict, contempt and division, and instead choose to revise our subscription to our belief in our inseparability. Know too that truth and fiction will collide, and most assuredly if and when we speak up and bless up.
The hope is that we can move from homo phobic to homo illuminous, and that we well know compassion as our compass. With clarity within and as quiet woman without, we use our beauty to serve others in finding their own beauty. The infinity symbol is but sign of our infinite radiance and auto renew of our vow to this beautiful life. Do pretty and best express your inner beauty by being beautiful on the outside. Choose to make this world a most beautiful place.