December Tarot * Unanswered prayer * anger converts to compassion

Anyone who thought Standing Rock had been granted a reprieve by the President’s denial of the pipeline’s permit is mistaken. It’s business as usual. Barak quietly and simultaneously signed the go ahead for a coupla few other pipelines and legislation that imposed forced vaccinations, unbeknownst to most and with little fanfare. The Army Corps of Engineers stay is but a rue to diffuse the situation and buy some time. The pipeline still has the blessings of the presidency.
Do thy work and thy will be done. Take pause and wish not harm upon the insurgents nor operatives, and real eyes that the all of us need to be seen and heard. Do you listen for the voice of the imperialists as well as for the native voice ?? Meditate and listen to our mother goddess, pray and ask of god. Recall again that ‘tis not a revolution but revelation. Persevere and wait upon the will of heaven and of what is best for all concerned. Transform from within.
anger * four of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
Anger is great energy. Use it productively. Consider to convert your anger to progressive energy and to release your (repressed) rage by actions that move you closer to your goal. Act, move, breakout and get going. Consider that if you apply your anger correctly, if not wisely, that it is well purifying, catalytic and effective. Ask of yourself, what do I wish to create ??

Washington state water protector Kendra Obom
Purify by releasing your emotions as you move in the direction of your goals. Consider to use your anger to understand that which you fear, and with the caution against hatred and seeing red. Real eyes that whatever happens has a cosmic justice and built in opportunity. Do not give in. Be (standing) rock hard and know that things could well transpire in a flash.
Do you feel emotionally vulnerable and fragile, perhaps even prickly ?? Could others stand to watch out and stand back ?? Use your primitive animal like, lower chakra energies to create change. Between a (standing) rock and a hard place, remain singleminded. Come down and out of hiding and have a sit. Still yourself in order that you may be home to your kundalini rising, and as a reminder that we fall in love with each other’s vulnerability.