December Tarot * unhappy * the Popess

Not gonna lie, am not so happy with things as they stand here in America at the moment. Don’t like what’s happening in Syria, at Standing Rock and on Pennsylvania Ave. It’s hard to be a happy camper with the continental divide between the rich and the poor, black and white, and the imperialists and us peoples as ocean & earth guardians. Am also reminded of the codependent female and the not so well known counterdependent male, us American men who remain so stoic in the face our American belligerence, both at home and abroad, and yet are emotional wrecks on the inside, dealing with feelings of helplessness and emasculation, and as our military industrial corporatocracy holds sway.
Am also reminiscent of travels once upon a time to Panama City, and their brightly painted buses, with bus drivers with bright smiles upon their faces, warmly and vibrantly greeting their passengers, and the whole bus virtually a fiesta/carnival enroute, and here in SoCal boarding a bus where the driver is oft resentful to pick you up, and where other pax have their heads down low and their head phones on high, not daring to risk looking one another in the eye, let alone raise one another’s spirits.
What gives America ?? !! How is that we have lost our generosity ?? We are takers, and as we please. And I thought happiness was meant to be shared.
priestess * two * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Like the calm mountain lake, be still and reflect. Recall that as the priestess you can see to the depths and get to the bottom of things. Intuit the truth. Real eyes that my dreams and meditations bring to surface the hidden, the subconscious, the past, and the future. Know your body as your temple (and your heart as your church), and wherein you receive the immutable truths of life. Stay in balance and at equilibrium to have clarity. Maintain an inner stillness to see clearly. Meditate and listen to her to sound out the truth.

Be the mirror mirror on the wall and for all to see of their truest of natures. See clearly and counsel wisely. As free spirit and independent thinker, be articulate. Remain flexible in both body and mind, and recall that with warm smile and soft eyes, we soften to receive.

Guard the purity of your crystal clear vision, your greatest inner resource. Do not compromise your vision. Be silent and inactive. Seek a place of calm and quiet. Retreat to inner spaces and inner sanctums to go into the darkness like chocolate. Know your inner self as the sanctuary for the consultation of the truth. Purify, heal, and take fluids for cleansing. Move from homo phobic to homo illuminous and real eyes this might take some time.
Know thyself. Use the psychospiritual arts in your worldly life and to go between worlds. Know that to be honest and true to thyself is to remain in harmony with the cosmos. Be unconventional. Do not act until you know, and only act from a position of knowingness. Keep your cool and your clarity. Act in the best interest of all involved and all our relations.

we soften to.... foresee,