2017 * year of Fortune * success story
What’s your story morning glory ?? As pilgrim of fortune are you ready to join the dogs of peace in catty love, to move from top secret to most transparent, and from highest bidder to taking on all comers in peace, love and joy, and with the integrity of loving kindness ?? I thought so.
2+0+1+7 = 10, and which distills down further to one (1+0), which in Voyager Tarot is the magician card, or in this particular case the ace of worlds, success. 2017 is the Year of the Little Engine that could. What is it that you think you can, that you know you kandu ??
You know you can do it, cuz you are the conduit. You are party to the nonpartisan peoples, and in moving from materialism to millennialism, you are part and parcel to this shogun state, and most keen to replace our super powers army and the like, with something a bit more farmy.
success * ace of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
Make believe and make the decision to act on your most heartfelt of desires. Ask yourself what it is that you really want to do, really want to see done and come to fruition. See things true, see things thru. Put your heart and soul into things and with no ifs, ands nor buts ‘bout it. Face your fears and things exactly as they stand. No matter the mountain impasse, know that she’ll be worth it in the end.
Be patient with things and persist. Consider that if you want to succeed that you may want to double your rate of failure. Recall too that success is the precursor to reward. It’s a she.
Trust the process. Think it, feel it, live it. You can do anything under the sun, just get outside and out of the house. Do things sunnyside up. Do what there is to do and what’s in front of you.
Keep on with the keepin’ on and do your best to do your best, and that with what you have. Be humble and consider to redouble your efforts. Do not retreat. Entreaty. Save room for yes and answer the door when opportunity knocks. Consider that the starting gate has been left wide open.
Who said you could never do that, and perhaps even tho we all know you shouldn’t or wouldn’t ever think of doing that ?? Mix it up and give things the time and space needed to fall together.
Recall that luck is when preparation meets opportunity and is the residue of design. Draw your line in the sand and crossover. Play things from both sides and for all its worth, cuz you’re worth it. Real eyes as well that if it was easy that it might just not be worth it after it all.
“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up.” ~ Bob Marley

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle