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A New Cycle Begins

2017 is a 1 year, the commencement of the next nine year cycle (goodbye 2016 and the nine years that brought it to fruition!). January strengthens the 1 vibration of the year overall with its 11 vibration (1+2+0+1+7 = 11). This is the master number, sort of like a 1 amplified by divine potency. All these 1 frequencies are a sign that something completely new is wanting to break through the old reality and transform it. It’s about more than a change that could reverse itself, it's about alchemy, a quantum shift into an entirely new reality so absolute that we cannot ‘go back’ to how things were. Perhaps a bit scary, but definitely liberating!

On 12th January we have the full moon in the new life sign of Cancer. The full moon takes us from head to heart, and into what we want to create and nurture into life with our resources - including perhaps most importantly our emotional energy, time and attention. During the full moon, why not reflect upon what really matters to you so you know how to prioritize your time, energy and emotional investments. Take some sacred time for yourself during the full moon and it will guide you into deeper understanding of what really means the most to you.

My business manager recently played a game with me during a break in one of my workshops. He said that as part of an interview technique when he worked in the music industry he would ask people a powerful question. Here it is - "After you have died, you can see your gravestone. Without thinking, tell me now what two words are written there?" Instantly the words spilled from me, “She Loved”.

What I liked about this game is that it cuts to the chase, it gets to the heart of what matters to you. It’s amazing just how much we can spend the most time on what matters the least to us in the long run. This full moon is an opportunity to dwell on what you want to create in the forthcoming nine year cycle. You don’t need a detailed vision necessarily, sometimes it’s better to give the Universe some breathing space to surprise you with something amazing. But if you know the qualities, the essence, the priorities, then you can act accordingly and actually use your energy to contribute to what you want to live, see and know in your life and the world. You can help the Universe to help you (which is what it wants to do).

On 28th January we say goodbye to monkeying-around and shift into the Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster. In the Chinese zodiac, the Rooster is the 10th animal (10 being a divinely boosted 1, another synchronicity in the messages from the Universe this month). Rooster heralds the awakening of the dawn, the call of something new beginning. Rooster invites our voice to be heard, our individuality to be embraced (rather than seeking permission to be who you are, why not just go ahead and be it, says the Rooster).

This year the Rooster is in Fire Yin mode. Fire and Yin together are exceptionally creative, they are the soft light that even when extinguished, can be re-ignited. The year of the Fire Rooster is the year to trust in the light. When the fearful blustering of the world around you has blown out your inner candle, just wait a moment - because it knows how to reignite itself and you’ll be radiant, lit from within, once again. Personally I associate the Fire Rooster with the Phoenix because of this ability to rise in light after darkness. So at a symbolic soul level, you could say that this is your year for spiritual emergence as a beautiful being of light. Divine!

Going through this process of experiencing darkness and then emerging out of it with your inner light intact can actually be a good thing because it helps us lose our fear of the dark. We know instead, that it doesn’t ultimately have any power over us, our light will always prevail. We hold on to our hope and we keep going, even when things seem a bit dicey or doubtful - because we believe in that the power of divine love is greater than anything else. We realize that the divine light within us can never be stolen, no matter how many ‘happiness thieves’ may attempt to do so. We shrug our shoulders, fluff up our rooster feathers, and crow our truths aloud to the coming dawn with absolute faith in the light it’s bringing.

I’d love to help you grow your experience and trust in the light within. If you’d like to learn more about how to make 2017 the beginning of your most divinely potent and empowering cycle yet, feel free to explore the prospectus for my online healer training this year - for healers or simply those that want a year of spiritual nurturing and guidance to be their ‘safe place to fall’ during a wild, creative and bright year ahead.

With lots of love and soul-strutting Rooster-worthy flamboyance,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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