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Inauguration Tarot * old white guys * death

Was talkin’ to a native man the other day and he was sharing how us white men don’t have a role model, nor a culture of our own, not to mention that no one is gonna feel sorry for us, nor have much if any sympathy for us. Peoples don’t take pity on old white guys these days. We’re on our own, and perhaps unfortunately why seventysomething year old men have the highest rate of suicide, as it’s the first time they have to face their (inter)dependency on others.

Pale face is not without his faults. The ugly American (male) has a chronic if not insistent need to be right and better than the next man, and is well entrenched is his superiority complex. As the insensitive male we have been made out as emotionally numb and spiritually void, and as the counterdependent male it has been instilled in us to keep up the Cool Hand Luke façade in favor of ever exposing (let alone espouse) the emotional wreck we sometimes are on the inside.

We are critical, judgmental and regularly pit ourselves in the midst of control issues and power struggles, stuck in our third chakra, and unable or unwilling to own our power and beauty and as befitting of an environgentleman. As haole (boy) we have yet to take full responsibility for the care of our mother ocean & earth mothers, and to live in harmony with natural law and order.

And while intermarriage has colored the landscape, there are some that still scry of the great white brotherhood, and while others are waiting upon their long lost soul brother, and for those among us as pahana, and who know of malama pono and compassion as our compass.

death * 13 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

What does it take to move from iGo to we go ?? How do we emerge from a life lived asunder ?? What happened to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ?? How do I move from the stag nation to a relation ship ?? What happened to “give me liberty or give me death ?” As free spirit and independent thinker I do my best to keep an eye on the Phoenix and the fire lit.

Cut away (even more of our) American excess. Get to the core essence of things and your truest of natures. Real eyes that we hold sacred space and soften to receive. Warm to the task. With soft eyes and warm smile, consider to change your tune and to move from limited to unlimited.

In moving from fear to love, we again real eyes, “what’s not to love ?” Recall that it’s refirement and not retirement. As devilish olde white guy (dowg), recall that once upon a time in Tarot, the Devil used to be the (ocean & earth) Guardian. Remind yourself that there is plenty o’ work to do before we cross over. Consider that there is still time aplenty to well sit with Joseph and Mary and that in the land of milk and honey. Consider it well to do our best to move from anger to anchor management. Anchor your relation ship in love, as ‘tis a small world afterall.

into the darkness.... like chocolate,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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