2017 Tarot * e4e (enough for everyone) * growth (in consciousness)
Ziggy sings that love is his religion, albeit most of us who come to listen to his music know materialism as our religion. Millennialism is coming, albeit again most of us have been shopping for our self worth and ‘til we drop. And not only that, we put tons of that stuff stuffed away where the sun never shines and our “things” never see the light of day, not to mention paying for storage space for it. We are a nation of unshared resources.
And yet we employ poverty consciousness, and wherein we fear that there will never be enough and that we might not be good enough. Peoples, there is enough for everyone.
Love one another. Eat raw and put an end to war. Listen to herstory. Cut out the middle man and close your eyes. Decalcify your pineal gland and see thing true. Dismantle and realign with the divine. As ocean & earth guardian and cosmic citizen, know that we are love and compassion at the core. With compassion as your compass, see things thru.
You can do it, you are the conduit. Put an end to your American excess. Get out of debt and consider that a cleanse of your inner toxins may be the best you can do toward the re greening of our inner cities. Invest in peoples and in yourself. Stop deifying “things.”
We live in a Christian country and where one of the chief tenets is, “thou shalt not kill.” Our president of late dropped 28k bombs (almost 10/day) over his eight years of Obomba Care, and Hillary was complicit. They are warlords and we are a warmongering nation.
As free spirit and independent thinker real eyes that this trauma induced, fear based nation of ours needs peoples like you that know not what of others may think of me, and better of what I think and know of myself. Know thyself, and answer to things with the integrity of loving kindness. Peoples need to be seen and heard. Contribute.
Consider it time to move from pet peeve to pet project, and that honest needs are well met by supply. You and your doings are much appreciated and most worthwhile.
Flip the switch. Sit with things, as much as six to ten hours/day. And whether it’s the Annunaki and the eleventh hour, recall that it’s our ongrowing story, and the only one we know. Recall again that you are the conduit and that the river doth indeed runneth thru it.
Growth * ten of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
You are here to reach (for) your fortune and thus to grow. Experience the unfamiliar and grow in your understanding of things. See your subconscious fears, your intuitive wisdom and personal powers with real eyes and for what they are. They are yours. Grow them up and real eyes that to know thyself gives you confidence, purpose and direction. Grow to understand the intuitive superconscious, and to grow your awareness of the collective or universal unconscious. Recall that growing your consciousness is the key to attainment of your destiny and fortune.
Grow your emotional self expression. Risk and reach out. Real eyes that it is the time for accelerated growth thru conscious growth. Grow majestic and powerful. Grow pliable and beautiful. See heaven everywhere and be at home anywhere. You have nowhere to go but to grow up, so bless up and get on with the keepin’ on. Confront your fears of the heights of success. Contract in fall and winter, expand in spring and summer, and know your growth is growth in consciousness. Know your ongrowing story as herstory and but one in the same.

spiritual love is within reach and to be shared