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Standing Rock Tarot * We are not alone * setback

It is said that the Sioux peoples originate from the Seven Sisters, and that the chanupa is symbolic of the union of heaven and this here earth. It is also said by many that we are a star peoples ourselves and share a similar origin from the stars, and that there will be an imminent return of the star nations, and with a thousand years of peace to come. O mitakuye oyasin.

Make cosmic contact. Welcome any and all star visitors from Pleiades and our white buffalo calf woman. Enter unto the rainbow lodge under peaceful favor and with a prayer for racial unity, and the greening of man. Join in with the blossoming of hearts to live your life as a prayer.

Get out from your urbanity to sharpen your senses, and to better live in harmony with natural law and order. Consider to grow your own food and to live your life as your art from the heart.

Our continued contamination of our mother ocean and earth mothers, and our father sky, is not just due to our concentrations of populations, but rather that we have yet to see our way to a greener day. We once lived with no locks and no doors, and once upon a time the buffalo did roam, the red, black and brown of them, and of late the much prophesized albino bison.

Miracles happen. Whether ghost or sundance, please continue to hold sacred space and a prayer in your heart. America may have lost her generosity, but we continue to love and forgive.

Setback * five of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

We are wounded healer and a rainbow peoples. We know there is a better way and this yet another opportunity to learn and grow from things. You are the teachers we have been waiting for. Do not give up. Teach peace and know that the fire brings the forest to seed.

This is a time for purification and perhaps purgatory for some. See new opportunity created by setback. Consider to step back before moving forward on things, and real eyes that there is most always a long and difficult road to recovery for the mind that dwells on negative thoughts. Alone and all one, take time out to purge of your story. Real eyes that you cannot be set back unless you are moving ahead. Reinterpret things. Review, retreat, and regroup. Realign (with the divine) and redirect to make forward progress. Know that new opportunity awaits and that for every storm there is a rainbow. Consider that rather new seeds and opportunities have been created and that luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

Be prepared for adverse turns of the wheel of fortune, for unforeseen and sudden change in events. You feel up against it and between a standing rock and a hard place, as resources dwindle, ill health threatens, and pain and nerves weaken one’s resolve. Emotional irritation and mental stiffness may interrupt plans to mobilize, or perhaps upset plans and stomachs which can dampen our resolve. Hunker down and recall that you are in this for the long haul.

Truth and fiction will collide. Brace yourself, for the yet again unbearable lightness of being. Drink lotsa water and liquids and hydrate. Consider to move from diva to kiva, and recall that hard work is what prepares us for contingency and for the if and when opportunity knocks.

make it a pink lemonade, please....


"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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