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The Universe is up to something (good)

On February 11th, a Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls in Leo, the sign of the heart and on February 26th, New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in Pisces, the Sign of Universal love. I've always been taught that when the Universe wants to tell you something, it will tell you three times. So let's add Valentine's Day this month into the mix and recognise that February i...s all about love and the heart. In the spiritual mystery traditions, eclipses are said to be a bit tricky. They can be great opportunities for spiritual growth and healing, but we have to be careful not to get caught up in the shadows that they cause. Put simply, it means that when you are feeling challenged this month, rely on your heart to figure it out. Don't for one moment buy into what paranoia-peddlers are selling. I never underestimate the ability of the media to amplify the negative and minimise the positive (perhaps to the point of hiding it completely), but even so, events are taking place which have made me wonder what's going on with humanity right now. I asked my spiritual guidance about some specific political situations which were deeply disturbing to my personal values. I wanted to know how those situations could possibly be made to serve divine love when they seemed to be all about fear and hate. The answer I received was a question. ‘What has happened for you since this event took place?”. I realised that because I was so appalled I had stepped up my game on a number of levels. I was writing more (yes, apparently that was possible), speaking up more (ditto). I educated myself about matters that in the past had seemed just too overwhelming (and discovered some really positive - though well hidden at first - information about what is happening in humanity and on our planet). What felt to me like a state of spiritual emergency required as much. Have you noticed that when things get darker it can push us to shine brighter? That's the sacred rebel in us. The one that says the loving fuck off to forces that want to scare and silence you. In response you open your heart more, become bolder, pray harder, and forget about playing it safe. Being the steady light on this earth is part of what you are here to do. There are enough pessimists and fear-merchants in the world. Our job is to bring enough love, light, wisdom and joy to balance it all out - or, for those of us who are a bit more ambitious, to push the human race towards spiritual evolution. I’ve channeled a year-long training program on how to do just that, to be a kick-ass evolutionary agitator for divine love, to be strong enough to hold your centre when others around you might be losing the plot and becoming seduced by fear. We need this spiritual strength and loving, joyful nourishment for ourselves and for each other. The Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring online course begins this month. If your heart is getting excited about this, then please email the admin angel Lydia at We'd love to have you join our loving and supportive divine community of sacred rebels. Wishing you a joyful and luminous month ahead, may you trust the light within, With love, (Alana Fairchild)



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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