Standing Rock Tarot * drink water, knock on wood * creativity

Red Hawk, Oglala 1905
And Karma raised her hand and said, I do.
We return to this earth in incarnations with these same said souls, and to make up for our irreconcilable differences, and to be made whole again.
Consider to dismantle any dislike and/or resentment harbored, and to resolve tensions.
Work toward resolution. Recall that life is forgiving, and that life is for giving.
Real eyes that sincerity is an imperative to well being and for the healings to come.
Stand up for things with compassion as our compass. Know that the undoing of personal belief systems will have truth and consequences. What if mad, mad Madonna had instead exalted in the orative of, “Donald, we love you !!”
Still waters run deep. There is no enemy.
Our bodies are made up of 70 percent water. Can you pay tribute to Lake Oahe’ by keeping your “waters” clean ?? Can you keep free of sugar, wheat/gluten, dairy, fried food and fatty meats, as testament to your wish that the Lakota Sioux drinking water supply not be sullied by any Energy Transfer Company transgression ??
Creativity * three of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
You are pregnant with ideas and we are awaiting their birth. Cherish what you create and recall that creativity is born out of love.
Place yourself in interactive situations with different environments and peoples. Consider that ideas are germinating and awaiting birth in your crystalline, primordial brain matter. Let your male creative intention meet your female receptivity and openness, and new ideas will be conceived. Real eyes that your pink sexual creativity is transmuted into creativity on the blue mental level. Free associate with raw and unrefined ideas. Ask for an answer thru your dreams and allow for an organic flow of thoughts.
Form new ideas out of creative chaos, when everything is mixed up, inchoate and formless. Be inbetween worlds and interstitial. Go to frontiers, borders, edges, confluences and conclaves for creative ideas. Let go of olde ideas to regenerate new ones. Go inward to find inspiration and consider that altered states of consciousness may give you creative breakthroughs.
Consult your personal medicine wheel and create down 2 earth ideas. Focus/concentrate on the matter at hand and do what the day gives you. Be the peace pipe you wish to be blessed upon, and real eyes that for better or worse, in life we trust.

watch what you eat,
for that becomes food for thought,
watch your thoughts for they become words, watch your words for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits for they become your character, watch your character for it becomes your destiny.