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EPA Tarot * Silent Spring * setback

Once upon a time DDT was found on the North Pole, and ‘twasn’t St. Nick (nor his reindeer) that left it there. Once upon a time a river named Cuyahoga caught on fire as well.

And now in the time of Trump, our Republican legislature has already taken the liberty to recently green light the dumping of coal mine waste into local streams and estuaries.

And of course us tree hugging commies are to blame, as we have been guilty of overstating the (obvious) health dangers of any of the such, and when in truth our powers that be are guilty of malaria malpractice, and should be ashamed of once passing on the notion that DDT was the answer, and when in fact the real answers have been served up repeatedly, and only to be swept under the proverbial rug, or squashed like a bug, as big Ag and Pharma want nothing to do with cures nor elixirs, and as the end game is the fiscal bonanza from chem sprays, not unlike the Zika Vector control sham, and the knowing wife of our (fine) Florida governor, the chiefess fiscal beneficiary in the scam.

The right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom challenged. It’s biz before birds and animals, and where half truths are served up, and wherein our, in whose best interest lobbyists, are plain and simple not being as truthful as they could be. Our natural resources have become national commodity, and as our politically minded and motivated administration returns us to the dark ages of unrestrained exploitation and destruction.

Or as to quote Walt Whitman, “America, if eligible to downfall and ruin, is eligible within herself, (and) not without.” Or as our original river sister testifies ‘tis, “one of the ironies of our time, that while we are concentrating on the defense of our country from enemies without, we should be so heedless of those who would destroy it from within.”

She follows that, “to sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of women.”

Speak inconvenient truth to power. You can resist, but better yet, be irresistible.

Rachel Carson was a marine biologist accused of harboring communist sympathies. She authored the book Silent Spring, and not in reference to a small body of water, but to a season that could well be remiss of birdsong, and of that which begets a most glorious of days.

A woman’s way is to hold hands and sacred space, and to honor her wish for us all to live in harmony with natural law and order, and to mirror the integrity of the natural world.

Speaking for myself, and as someone that enjoys osprey, red tailed hawk and vultures on my riparian route to work, I appreciate the good works of a vintage whistle blower and the founding mother of the environmental movement. It is not my wish, nor for others, to continue this bio chem death march that we perpetuate each and every day, and rather that we slow our drum roll, and that we value our interdependence as well as our independence, and do our best to undo our belief that we are somehow apart from (her) nature, rather than in truth inseparable by nature.

It is said that all wise peoples share a love of nature and the practice of meditation. Rachel Carson went from quiet woman to quite a woman. She was a proponent of deeds and not just words, and buoyed her emotional rants with an intellectual basis and backing.

She championed green chemtech, and revealed the interconnectedness within the food chain, and how toxins accumulate in animal fat tissues, and how we were left with a subsequent generational inheritance, and on a physiological level at that.

As environgentlemen and women, we are the ecologically underprivileged of late, left with our Environmental Protection Agency in irons, and with what little wind they had, now taken out of their collective sails. Our Clean Water Act and other lifesaving accoutrements stand exposed and ready for ransack, and all in the name of progress.

In closing, and as my personal Valentine’s Day wish, I would like to honor our wise, beyond her years peace nut, with the request for a Department of Peace, and however foolhardy and unfathomable, and as it is without request and solicitation that we well know of our fated ways and what befalls us.

Setback * five of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Purify, cleanse and rewire. Recall that to review, retreat, regroup, realign and to redirect are necessary steps of forward progress, and that to face setback may mean little more than that you are being tested.

Do not give up, give in. Move from diva to kiva and speak prayer out loud, and to the truest of powers that be. Turn the world on its collective ear and work to create wholeness thru the conflict of opposites. Recall that for your every storm there is a rainbow, and that for every forest fire, a large family of trees go to seed.

See the forest for the tree and real eyes that we are on a worldwide stage and that ‘tis a small world afterall. Heal yourself thru water, and know that in our water is life.

prayer is to ask of her, meditation is to listen to her....



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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