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April Fools Tarot * the Bernie * (illumi)Nation

Life is not a spectator sport, and neither is politics apparently for these Bernie millennials. For the baby boomers it may well not be retirement but refirement. There are “open doors” everywhere. Jim Morrison is long gone and haven’t heard much mention of the “seven generations,” and yet it seems to be “c’mon baby light my fire,” for most everyone of the Bernie illumiNation. And it’s not just the touchy feely peoples, the yogis/yoginis, visionary artists, ecstatic dancers, massage practitioners and so on and so forth that are at the helm of our reLife and reCreation. We all heal thru touch and for those of us who are willing to own our bioluminescence, we see the angel within, and shine upon all without favor.

Illumination * Ace of Wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Win or lose we are growing up, in consciousness. In moving from homo phobic to homo illuminous, we revere our revelations and visions, and create the conditions for dramatic insights that blow our minds and break our hearts, wide open. The light of illumination represents purity, clarity and honesty. Live in the fire of life. Live your life to the fullest. Know what gives you energy and vitality. Be passionate.

Have the courage to change and expand. Follow your intuitions and dreamtime messages, your inner prompts and inspired musings (what does that little birdie have to tell you afterall ?). Intuit your way and be into it. Now that you have been exposed as part and parcel to the Bernie Illumination, rest within your vulnerability and the subsequent unbearable lightness of being, and hold true to the torch of personal revolution by burning out and breaking thru entrapping olde patterns, habits, forms and perceptions. Galactivate and arouse your kundalini serpent. Stay focused to the finish and real eyes that we are upon a new age, with irrevocable changes on all levels of being, which naturally follow new insights.

Feel your electricity. Consider that it is time to see anew, to transcend (just any olde) place to holding sacred space and to express your personal power, and with beauty and grace. Bern white hot. Philosophize about the ideal and the absolute. Reach out and touch someone, with your wand of illumination. Help move us from peace, love and understanding to peace, love and joy. Continue to sing your sweet (bird) songs, of melodies pure and true, singing this is my message to you: we love you and your Bernie Illumination.

revelations inevitably produce changes,


"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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