2016 * Chinese New Year of the Red Metal Fire Monkey

Shortage of yin, calming, receptive, grounding principle can manifest as agitation, irritation, nervousness, insecurity, and fear. The personality is not rooted nor stable and may not be dependable; because of deep, oft unacknowledged insecurity, there is a tendency to move from one problem, place, or relationship to the next without ever gett...ing down to the root issues. ~ Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods, and speaking of yin deficiency…. Be the 100th monkey. 2016 is no time for monkey see, monkey do. Start something new. Dull and slow is no way to go thru this Chinese New Year of the Red Metal Fire Monkey, unless your wish is to become unglued. Run with things and throw convention to the wind, and don’t look back. You can make plans later. Get out of your house and outta your tree. Avoid group think and sheeple. Go your own way. Believe in six impossible things before breakfast, and that after you’re back from down the rabbit hole. Don’t monkey mind around. If you’re feeling scattered or scatter brained, just forget about the revolution and stick to revelation. Trade order for magic and sell cleverness for bewilderment. Don’t get mesmerized by the lights without, and tend to your inner flame instead. Keep the fire stoked and the embers well lit. As free spirit and independent thinker, be of an unfettered mind and willing to think the unthinkable. Come up with unconventional solutions to the same ol’ same ol’, been there done that, tired and tedious routines of olde. 2016 is a good year to take risks and as fortune favors the bold, overthrow old unworkable conventions. Be brave for boldness has genius. Dare to be different and a difference maker. Get your shake, rattle and roll on. Bring your dreams into reality and be passionate about whatever you decide to do. Take action. Go over the top and past the mark. You could even overthrow some anarchy in the mix for kicks. Real eyes that things could get intense, and perhaps enough so to finally get that monkey off your back. Take the teacups for a spin and jump on board Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Leave the organ grinder behind and get with your peoples and tribe of choice. Real eyes that it might be time to put paint to canvas, if not to paint the wind, and to let your heart sing. Stay connected and soften to receive. Don’t be so quick to form an opinion and consider instead that it might be time to give her the rose. 2016 is not the year for milque toast, as a little bit o’ pluck goes a long way. Nothing’s off the table as anything can and will happen. Resistance is futile. Expect the unexpected and real eyes again that the apple cart will be upset. Do your best to be graceful and at ease when dealing with stress. Remain devoted to your cause, if not the rebel with a cause. Don’t give ‘em the (monkey) business, when you can be both naughty and nice. Recall that it’s no guts, no glory, and that well behaved women rarely make history. Experiment and test things out, maybe even ask him out. Uninhibited and guilt free, real eyes that you make good company and are doing nothing that’s not but (super) natural and (extra) ordinary. For all you know, curious George might just go bananas. Consider too that it’s time to get physical and to tend to the dieta, especially if you’re feeling zapped by an excess of mental energies and outputs. Don’t outsmart yourself and hang in there. Whether it’s swim, bike, dance or yoga, move something and take the long way or walk home. Be on the lookout for fast talkers (and walkers), always vying to have the upper hand. If strong willed, watch for being tactical and opportunistic, and not always trustworthy. If unfaithful or unscrupulous consider that you might not always be on solid footing and that things may be unstable. Know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, and don’t be afraid to bluff your way thru or out the door, if and when you may need to. If impatient watch for being hyperactive if not reckless and for discarding everything in a pique of frustration. If given to irreverence or feeling irrepressible, know that you may be seen as unpredictable if not quixotic, and taken as unwise and unrefined. Recall that the price of technology is vigilance so be watchful for the trickster coyote. Take nothing for granted and recall too that chicanery abounds. Watch out for deception (from Shillary Fraudham the Minion). Talk is cheap. Walk your talk. Be decisive as indecision breeds misfortune and missed fortunes. 2016 is a good year for setting goals and meeting them. Things get accomplished but not without effort. Keep your focus and goals in mind as reference points while making empirical and not emotional biz decisions. Things will be in flux and finances perhaps erratic, and yet there may well be chance to breakthrough the traditional biz barriers to entry. If uber motivated and with the quickness, determination and the agile mind will find reward. And then again, if you want to make god laugh, tell him about your plans. You can watch for flying monkeys, for others to throw a monkey wrench into things, or wait upon the divine beneficence of Lord Hanuman himself. Or you can real eyes it’s like monkey bars. You have to let go to move forward in life. And just as the Buddhist monk Xuan Zang traveled to India alone for the original scriptures of Buddha’s teachings, you can travel to distant places and see the world. Or you can educate yourself by going back to school, or by working with your hands, which are but extensions of the heart. Whatever the case, apparently it is best to be patient as luck runs better a bit after Lammas and when time for harvest. See More