2016 * Harvest your emotional Fulfillment * Voyager Tarot
Nary a unicorn in sight, albeit seems to be a plethora and aplenty of high arching rainbows about during this rainswoon we’ve been under of late. Would also surmise that in turn the portals are wide open and live streaming as we speak. Are you picking up the signal and asking for what it is that you truly wish ??
Harvest * Nine of Worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Situations are ripe. Go the last mile. Real eyes your moon dreams and fully bear your inner riches to the world. Real eyes too that you have much to offer. Resolve that if you’re going to do it, do it right. Keep on with the keepin’ on, and reap what you have sown. Continue to nurture the fruits of your labor and get ‘er done. Eat well and take good care of yourself, and as you recall that we are what we eat.
Watch what you eat, for that becomes food 4 thought,
Watch your thoughts for they become words,
Watch your words for they become actions,
Watch your actions for they become habits,
Watch your habits for they become your character,
Watch your character for it becomes your destiny,
And so it is. Remember to squirrel away some of your harvest and do not be afraid to ask for help in order to get it all done. Consider that now is the time to harvest of your good works. Choose your container of choice to hold your yield, and remember to first check against any unshared resources. Recall too that it’s a small world, and to treat each other well. It is also a bright new world, and do your best to get up early, to settle into a meaningful routine, and to be content with the seemingly mundane.

Fulfillment * Nine of Cups * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle
Smile as you share of your gifts and raw talents. Indulge unto your heart’s content as you again lust for the creative life. Recall again that magic happens and as you live your life as your art from the heart.