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the War on Tarot * what is it good for * (in goddess we) trust

We sit in memoriam to honor of a time immemorial, and know not what we do.

War and peace. Peace and love. Love and war. Life and death. How are they ?? And why us ??

Thou shalt not kill, not murder, not steal, nor bear false witness, nor covet their oil, their biblical/historical artifacts, their geopolitical strategems. “Kill not your children,” in the name of national security, the “war” on terror, nor under the guise of Isis or any such the like. How about is our interest in the defamation of the goddess ??

Why bless us and not them ?? How is our worship to the state and almighty dollar, and that we choose to injure, maim and kill ?? We seek and destroy, property. Our freedom fighters die in vain for a lie, an unjust and immoral undertaking. We live in a warfare state.

We visit the Vet Cemetery and bleed red, white and blues. When did empathy, mutuality, strawberries and blueberries become so wrong ?? Is not the mantra to love one another, and that thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ??

You are the prince of peace, a bright light. Know that war was brought upon us, and that it is not of our making. Recall that yours is of peaceful sojourn and of a peaceful peoples. We are the peaceful ones, the ones you have been waiting for.

Take your innocent life unto the darkness (like chocolate) and trust the process. Follow the prompts and real eyes that we are inseparable. Recall of your interdimensionality and move from the herd to the heard and seen. Leave the animal farm and our thievery corporatocracy behind. Let her know, that you have never fallen from grace.

Take your place within the celestial gathering. Know that the trail has been blazed, the markers and signposts well set, seen and heard. MLK, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sophia, Quan Yin, Shekinah. ‘Tis written, spoken and shared of, by and of the Standing Rock millennials, by and of the Bernie millennials. ‘Tis absolutely no thing, save for to trust in life.

trust * six of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Oppressive and possessive is no way to go thru life. Real eyes your goals and dreams. Move from pay it forward to play it forward. See the goodness within others, the angel within. Reach out and touch someone. Let go and be held. Communify. Assemble, gather and sit in circle. Be open, accepting and tolerant. Take responsibility for what you can, and find your rhythm for things beyond your control. Let things fall together. Trust in your love, your light, your beauty, your (inner) richness. Trust in your intuition and fall in harmony with natural law and order.

Trust in our mother ocean and earth mothers, in community. Trust that you can express yourself. Consider to be open and vulnerable, and that you are a rainbow bridge for others.

Pay attention to what the day has to offer and the task at hand. Go between worlds. Do not be afraid to cross over and to meet the unknown. Trust in diversity and consider to lend a hand. Real eyes that everyone has their own unique destiny to fulfill. Live and let live and recall that noninterference is the first law of spirituality.

Heal up and allow for that kundalini rising. Rather than raise your voice, consider to let them know. Know that we care for one another.

you are supported.... reach out,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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