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May Tarot * let’s talk about sex, & moms * love & lovers

What is it about mothers and sexuality that doesn’t go together ?? When Harry met Sally was there mention of penis & vagina, lingham or yoni ?? Or are we more comfortable with our female genitalia as pussy ?? There is a book called Cunt, and a movie titled Snatch. And is it, “he’s a dick” or “nice cock ??” Or is it perhaps rather better, that we revert to our more traditional refrain, of the birds and the bees ??

There’s Venus & Mars, and Adam & Eve. Or does it run deeper than that ?? Is it the Oedipal complex, and our son’s unconscious desire to “defile his mother’s bed,” and to be “slayer of the sire who begot him ??” Or does the truth lie somewhere within our childhood wounds and traumas, which in this particular case is the anything but untold, and once upon a time story, of abandonment of the child by his mother, and the subsequent adoption by the shepherd ?? And do we continue to incessantly repeat these said psychological patterns, instead of addressing and integrating these psychosexual lessons into psychospiritual composites ?? And how do we move from peace, love and understanding, to peace, love and joy, from Freudian to Pleiadian, and unto discovery that it is all about our divine union ??

Where exactly does our discomfort lie ?? Is she dressed for sex or a relationship ?? Does my mom “leak sexual energy,” and is that so wrong ?? Research has shown that when married with children, intimacy with your offspring often or at least somewhat, replaces that of with a significant other, not to mention that what was a coupla few times a week, now happens once upon a time/week, goddess willing. Either “mama” just said no, or she was too tired, doesn’t have the time, or is oft besieged by weight gain. She in no way wishes for sex to be reduced to a “chore,” nor to be something to merely check off her to do list. In turn she may also be fearful of being neglectful of her marriage and/or partner, who in turn and by no choice of his own, can become resentful of his own children, as a father who is feeling rejected for having kids, as having more kids (usually/oft) creates more (emotional) distance between partners.

What’s a man or woman to do ?? Especially when we just wanna feel loved and wanted. Is he ok with a messy house if it means he’s got a hot mess on his hands ?? And what about those kids of ours ?? Is sex really so taboo ?? Not to mention anything about transgender, homosexuality and/or same sex partners. And what about good ol’ oral sex, porn and puberty ?? And lest we forget or leave out dildos, masturbation and tampons ?? Face it, unless your dad’s an urologist and your mom a nurse, chances are your kids cringe when you want to talk about sex. The feds spend $50m on promoting abstinence, and you’ve got to cover condoms and STDs, don’t you ?? I once had a friend, of whom we (admiringly) called Ms. Love Jones. She could (get us to) talk about sexuality like it was the daily news. Doin’ the deed and gettin’ your freak on, were small potatoes compared to her sex ed on our body parts. She was no sexologist, but she was (very) sexy, and we demanded a sexplanation from her. The question was: is it really (our) mother that know best ?? Well, chances are, that she does.

The “original din” is the river that runs thru us all. When we surrender to the divine and have compassion as our compass, “life is (but) a love story, and her song our lantern.” There is a regenerative force to a relationship, and when we realign with the divine, we move into sacred union. Within the “sex positive,” sexual intimacy of relationship, we are invited to suspend our belief in separation, and to move on from our belief in duality and to one of mutuality, and are given the opportunity to care for (one) another. The shared process of reciprocal devotion is healing, and helps us move on from our male feelings of inadequacy and any female sense of rejection, on from our power struggles and control issues, and unto the owning of our beauty and grace (and with the Buddha and Christ as supermodels). Within her is to be found our natural luminosity and radiance. Within her is from whence you came.

Sex is art. Blondeness has genius. Christian morass and/or morals are wanton to inhibit the sexual artist within you. Sexual yoga and union has not place for church bread guilt and/or shame. And whether monogamy is strictly inherent to patriarchy, or polygamy to matriarchy, you get to choose, (your) life.

Lovers * six * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Express your sexuality. Heal thru (your) touch. Recall that you are beauty and the beast, and consider to seek appropriate places for different kinds of relationships. Real eyes that attraction for one another is the force that binds us together as lovers, partners, family and community. To be a lover means to care for another. Love, empathize and feel what others feel. Engage in emotional intimacy. With nonjudgmental acceptance use your relationship skills, sociability, creativity, and communicativeness as conflict resolver, to build bonds and to synergize. See the unity and interdependence of life. Maintain a philosophy of oneness, and in knowing that you cannot have one without the other. Integrate your active male principle (breath) with your passive female principle (flute) to create (sound). Let her moon female reflect his sun male, and his airy mind meet her jungle emotion. Trust and embrace the opposite to bring together and weave one world, one family, (and) one basket. Find your inner lover, your inner soul mate, and you will find yourself and your (ocean &) earth mate (and lover). With the integration of your inner self polarities you will create a sense of wholeness, and will be free to let things be.

Love * three of cups * Voyager Tarot * Way of the Great Oracle

Deep fulfillment is realized thru love. Follow the heart, the path of love. Share of yourself. Give love, receive love. Love will bring you changes and growth. Heal yourself thru love, and transform any situation by love. Be in love with all of life. Be a romantic. Be lovestruck. Seek a meeting time. Find a meeting place. Love thru sexuality. Get wet. Express your primordial emotions of joy, love, sorrow, sex, salivation and surprise. Express your feelings for they are beautiful. Love thru touch. Hold but do not possess. Let out and let in. Recall that love is beautiful but fragile. Take special care of love or it breaks



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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