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Solstice T-Square Growth

Blessed Solstice to you. The sun-drenched longest day of the year is filled with two potent t-squares described below. You can also join each of my 7 online courses for the lowest price ever—just $15 each—until Thursday midnight. Prices will not be this low again this year. This includes my new course, Astrology for Newbies: The 12 Houses of the Horoscope. Click the links below. Love, Sex, and Relationship Success with Astrology Discover Your Optimum Career Path with Basic Astrology Evolve Intimacy & Improve Relationships with Love Languages Boost Your Emotional Intelligence and Win your Inner Game Astrology for Newbies: The 12 Houses Create and Sell High Ticket, Premium Packages and Programs Cycles of Empowerment - Numerology Personal Year & Months

The Jupiter - Pluto Square, active Oct 2, 2016 - Sept. 25 2017 is catalyzed now by Mars and Juno. First, Libran Jupiter empowers commitment to conscious relationships and mutually empowering collaborations. With Pluto square, the aspect energize a politics based not in dualism but in a philosophy of Unity through Diversity, and a necessary determination of each of us to confront our own shadows, so that more of the Spiritual Light of Consciousness may radiate through each moment of existence.

Jupiter and Pluto can expand and empower the pioneer, the leader, the risktaker, Mars, but Mars in Cancer is all about activating the nurturer in you, the provider, the healer, the caregiver, and the sensitive inner self. Our emotions may be flowing at an all time high with this transit, but this will allow for purification and cleansing.

With Juno involved, committed partnerships on solid ground will be powerfully and positively catalyzed to venture into new realms of depth and passion. This transit supports engaging in practices of sacred sexuality. This sexual alchemy is asking us to merge all four bodies—emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual—in order to dramatically intensify the soul bond and use sexuality as the magical creative act it truly can be. Also, whatever issues of irritation and lack of connection are present could reveal irreconcilable differences asking for a dissolution of the partnership.

Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Chiron T-Square

Are we experiencing wounding through words, tone of voice, or negative thought patterns? If so, what is our willingness to receive Chiron’s mentoring and some tough love about where we feel consistently stuck in our lives. If we want real change, we have to allow ourselves to be penetrated by the long stare of Saturnian Truth. This aspect may also ask us to receive coaching around business, in order to strategize Saturn’s long-term goals for efficient productivity and successful time-mastery. ***

Have you considered working with a Life or Business Coach to uplevel your professional or personal life? To increase positivity, opportunity, and success? Divine Timing Coaching integrates three profound systems of self-awareness—Astrology, Human Design, and Numerology—with practices, teachings, and strategies from Business Coaching, Time Mastery, Relationship Coaching, Tantra, and Locational Assistance. To learn more about this entirely unique and holistic coaching program and for applications to work together visit *** CANCER BIRTHDAY SPECIALS: 60 Minute Discounts here, 30 Minute Discounts here for all Gemini Moon, Sun, Risings!! *VerDarLuz Holistic Life Coaching with Astrology, Numerology, Human Design Udemy Online Astrology Courses



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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