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uni verse Tarot * all one * love

Eleven is a master number. Is it a coincidence that eleven is included in a11 ??

Some of us are enamored with the notion of 1:11, and that we may be agents of change. One eleven, a11 1.

And then there was Bob who sang of one love. And 11:11, a11 1 1ove.

Just a coincidence you may say ?? Can we move from ill to well ?? From I’m (number) one, to we (are all) one ?? From i11 to we11 ?? !!

Consider to coincide, to go inside, and that as within, and so it is without. Love thyself. Love one self.

Life is a love story, and her song our lantern.

love * three of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

See how much love the uniVerse is giving to you. Give of your love to others. Fall in love. Let go and let live. Loving is living. Be in love with the all of life. Be passionate in your living. Be lovestruck and a romantic. Follow your heart, your bliss, and you will create a world of love.

Out of love is born community. Share of your ongrowing story. Seek a meeting time, find a meeting place. Meet up and get together. Love thru touch. Express your primordial emos of joy, love, sorrow, sex, salivation and surprise. Love is a relation ship. Get wet.

Hold but do not possess. Let out and let in. Real eyes that love is relationship yet freedom. Ride the ups and downs, and consider to let yourself run soft pink (ida), and baby blue (pingala). Heal yourself and real eyes that you are naturally beautiful.

Pay attention to love, as where you pay attention to in your (love) life, is wherefrom your next chapter unfolds.

uniVerse * twenty one * Way of the Great Oracle

As offspring of the gods and goddesses, you have inherited the gifts and qualities of the uniVerse. You carry the uniVerse in your bones. We are all together one, an all encompassing wholeness. Venture to take a big step, the first step, or the last step. Step into the circle.

Ask Aum for assistance and join in with the Om of co creation. Consider that you are kundalini rising and still not quite finished, as your ongrowing story is one of oneness and at one ment.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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