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apex Tarot * 14-21 * death

This one is more for my fellow Tarotists, as am attempting to interpolate the major arcana unto the concept of the golden ratio and/or mean, and as I suspect that the “turnaround” point in the first 22 (trump) cards is not so much the eleven card as is it thirteen, death.

And perhaps this is old news to sum, and yet I surmise it may not be unlike a mountain ascent, and of which may take 13 hours to summit, albeit a lesser eight hours to descend. And with death being a state of being spent and expired, if not completely exhausted, and so be it.

We’ve given everything we’ve got, and now atop her splendor, we drink it in and then some. We have emptied of our cup, our chalice and holy grail only to be found at that penultimate moment. And better yet, we find that ‘tis refillable, and that we are not but the better for things and for the journey still ahead/to be had.

14 And so here we are, heaven on earth and the immaterial man, and having received our transference and transmission from on high. The Prince of Peace descends from the Star Peoples, and as we now can let go of any and all dead weight, we travel henceforth with our inner riches from on most high.

15 We are now of a most numinous natural light and “lumen au naturale,” as we “cross back over,” and are better able to see the big picture, and as we bring (even more) consciousness into our bodies. We are slaves to the rhythm, and really appreciate where we’ve come from.

16 With her sense of wonder and awe, she leaves us speechless. Her amazing grace moves us from confused to infused and from a semblance of materialism to spiritualism. As we Rapunzel down the mountain we are under the renewed tutelage and guidance of our mother earth guardian, and whereby we renew our vows to live in harmony with natural law and order.

Our mother earth guardian guides us thru the process of transformation, and as we real eyes that once felled, ‘tis the tree that goes to seed, and that we can now go in any direction, and in that of our choosing, from ground zero. We also real eyes that in trading magic for order, and under false assumptions of power, that we have done nothing but fall in with habitual patterns that no longer serve us, and were nothing that we hadn’t asked for and perhaps even sought out.

As perhaps necessary step in our inner development, we real eyes that the such stems from our willingly dealing with and facing the energetic shifts of our conscious realignment, and unto the divine. We further real eyes that the embodiment of our inner truth is necessary in order to shift from outer habit. In moving down the up staircase we return to our heart center of feeling.

Our stroke of lightning and luck is the residue of design, and upon whence preparation meets opportunity. The resultant forest fire within, improves our constitution and perhaps marks the return and/or coming of age of the quiet woman. We somehow revisit the extra ordinary as she is woman unto our wilderness within.

As the end of the road nears, we harken upon a crowning achievement of sorts and hasten to join Rumi, in his field beyond right and wrong, and in trading our cleverness for bewilderment.

17 With newfound and inexhaustible reserves, and now absent of falsehoods and attachments, we walk in truth and beauty, and in concert with our greater consciousness, and as we travel forward in a most sacred manner. We are ardent in keeping our spiritual plane clean.

18 In birthing our truest of natures, we best follow the intuitive wisdom of our wolf and wildest of hearts. We know that rhythm unites our conscious prayer with the unconscious and divine. As we collect oneself, and without expectation of reward, we are calm and of rhythmic prayer.

19 The dividend and/or yield of practicing Tarot is the development of one’s intuition. Return to the kingdom of the child within, and as with guru or master nor anywhere to be found, real eyes that revolt is but succumbing to the undercurrent of emotional impatience, and that ‘tis revelation and not revolution, and wherein life is a love story, and her song but our lantern.

20 Let go of judgment. Stop looking and start living. Purge your story of who you thought you were or of the life you are/were planning for yourself, and hold space for the life waiting for you. Real eyes that you have gone done and did it, and that there was nothing automatic about it, and that it was your conscious participation that brought it well and into your body. Unplugged.

21 We are silent so as not to interrupt the divine flow. We are cooperative so as to work in concert with spirit and as party to the divine ensemble. With heaven everywhere, and at home anywhere, we know that there is truth in movement, and that truth is univisceral.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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