Intergalactic Tarot * couldn’t leave well enough alone * lovers
Have given in to reading ‘bout extraterrestrials and aliens of late, and perhaps against my better judgment as have been remiss in the past as they say what you pay attention to or focus on, you will end up bringing into your field, and yet it was just too coincidental, randomly running into someone who was of some intrigue and highly recommended these obscure books by a fairly unknown author from France. Who was I to say no to a bit of an adventure, literary or not ??
And of course, I found myself somewhat let down, as between the good bits here and there, there was not just the usual disclosure of death and war, but the added downers of tweaked DNA, cloning and mutant programming, as well as mention of slavery and worse.
And maybe it was too much to hope for a semblance of nonviolence and an absence of the cursory control issues and power struggles that beset our society and since the onset of time.
Will admit to being beguiled by the mention of priestesses and their acquiescent and oft obsequious male counterparts, albeit the such were rather trivial in contrast to the all of it.

From what I do know of ETs and the such, have talked to someone who claims to have been visited by an Anunnaki, and others who have shared of DMT observances, and have personally felt like I was in an ET zoo or the like, seen rather industrial, desolate, barren and lifeless landscapes, that seemed putrid if not unfeeling, and under an unnerving grey and gloomy backdrop, albeit with an interdimensional arch which may well suggest of intergalactic travel.
Have also known and/or heard of peoples who channel JC, and have had chance to visit other planets. Am also under the impression that the Pleiadeans are of some beneficience, and that there might be other benign if not wholly accommodating entities within range of our planet.
Am also of the suspicion, however unrelated or not, that we have an awful lotta of metals and/or nano particles floating around our bodies, and suspect that someone or somehow we/they have the technology to alter our frequencies, and to what end am not so sure ??
The question seems to be if and when these entities and/or alien nations fall somewhat if not well short of any fourth chakra conscientiousness, how in the world do we integrate the such ??
Lovers * six * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Is it too simplistic, if not inane, to suggest we may be overly judgmental, and that ‘tis not so uncommon to be burdened by the integration of but inner self polarities ?? Can we perhaps open ourselves up to the wish to transcend thought, word and logic, and by the ability to hold the opposites ?? Not only are we not alone, we are not the same. Consider to thank this other (entity) for giving us the opportunity to know ourselves better, and that the interplay between ourselves and another may well lead to creative new insights that are mutually beneficial.