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menstrual flow Tarot * elixir of the gods * (balls of) confusion

There is a notion, if not a misnomer, that has been bandied about that suggests the bloodshed of battle as good and necessary to purify of our earth, albeit rarely is it proffered instead that rather it is your moon menses that may be offered forth as sacred gift to our earth mother’s soil. There is further consideration that if and when you may nurture of her plant life with your blood, that we would do well to eat of the subsequent sacred harvest of fruits and veggies, now graced by your menstrual flow. Consider that the proverbial forbidden fruit is the blood of the goddess.

Learn to love thyself and your mama earth, for they are one in the same. Honor the goddess and your (green man) vibration. Find that male rhythm and feminine balance to best put our matriarchal and patriarchal energetics to rest. Learn from the tree of (sexual) knowledge and real eyes that your menstrual blood carries our genetic code, and our hidden story. Recall that (ethereal and/or) sacred sex opens doors, and that during menses there is an opportunity for a deepening of our love. Consider that the genitals and our sexuality are stargates for what is simply a cosmic happening. Move beyond “the secret,” as the secret is to exchange secretions.

Consider to do what’s taboo. Real eyes that your menstrual blood is but an open door, and that when we drink or mix of her sacrament via our sexual practicing, we are but (re)cycling the energy of ecstatic connection, and of which begets our revitalization and rejuvenation. Consider as well to best share of your inner riches, and that together we touch upon our immortality.

We wish to drink the nectar of the gods, and of her ambrosia. We drink tea, cacao and perhaps even of ayahuasca. We are in search of the proverbial truth serum, and that ever storied strong and strange brew. We wish for a true heart and pure blood. Our red blood cells are made in our bone marrow. Consider to realign your bones to purify your blood, and that bodywork can change the structure of your blood. Recall too that it is the midwife that oft keeps a woman in touch with her body, and that her meno pause is but the holding of her menstrual flow, and as she is wisdomkeeper for wisdoms that are of and wherefrom our connection to the ancestors.

Cherish your sexual freedom. Take stock of your sexual beliefs. If there is confusion, perhaps you are not quite firm in your stance, and are not yet integrating of the full ewe. If the signal is still scrambled, consider that ‘tis but prelude to a reorganization, reordering and realignment.

The magic man is not an oxymoron. The caduceus serpents are red for menstrual blood and white for sperm. You are free to choose. All is allowed. The rasta colors are red for blood shed in battle, green for our mother earth, and gold for the sun above. Consider to alter our war torn ongrowing story, and to honor the fertility and purity of her soil, with the offering of your blood.

confusion * six of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Wracked by indecision and opposition, we are overly cerebral and lacking for mental organization. We are perhaps indiscriminate and caught between the creative chaos of competing ideas. We are in need of reorganization, if not an intergalactic reactivation.

Transcend the thinking mind. Move from censor to sensor, and dance with the time and space inbetween thoughts and ideas. Stay uncompromising to stay vital and young. Stay with it, stay the course, and stay in the flow. Allow ideas to wander unchecked and unaccounted for. Recall that all is allowed and to make time out to make believe.

If things are coming apart in your world, consider to bend like a river and to go with the flow. Wander and meander, ebb and flow. Let in and let out. Breathe. Know when to stay on and to stay put, or when it’s time to go and to move on. Know that your edge will soften, and whereof your water body of emotion meets your air mind, and at our god’s or mind’s eye and soul level. Ride the wave and ensuing whitewater chaos. Consider to best rebound, redirect and ricochet.

If my life is but a revolving door and things are in constant flux, focus not so much on the hot mess and to first consider another’s pov, and perhaps with the quickness. If I feel forlornly fickle and revert to repeated inconsistencies, consider to simply let it be, and to give things a rest, and perhaps some room to breathe. When I run hot and cold, there is a caution against criticism and hurtful retort. Chance to be but lighthearted and to offer up your contrary medicine, not so much as rebuff nor rebuttal, but as in order to bring an energetic or raw energies to bear.

Consider to speak softly and to carry a light wand and/or big staff, and that wisdom is but gentle in its application, and heartfelt. Recall that ‘tis more of revelation and not so much revolution. ‘Tis also re creational sex, and in earnest of our kundalini rising. Know thyself, and love thyself. Intend to use your most high (crystalline) energies and energetics for our intergalactic activation.

get out of the house, and out into the wild garden of eden....



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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