Chinatown Tarot * Dream * Inventor
Was sitting having my usual small box salad at that oversized, natural foods chain store by the lake and adjacent the ‘hood, when a decidedly reserved woman next to me commented on my necklace and proceeded to exclaim as to how this state was number one in privatized prisons, yet 49/50 when it came to education, and that half the student population in her town dropped outta school before they even made it to high school, let alone outta high school. Repeat, it wasn’t that kids were dropping outta high school, she claims that they never make it to school.
She had tight dreads that fell past her hips and with a wide pink bandana across her forehead, with matching pink top and a backpack. She had smooth skin and spoke softly, albeit her words were fierce and measured. She spoke of boyfriends with reference points based on level of use, and without question as to whether they did or not. She talked about level of commitment and how imperative that was to relationship, and of the joy of working with children. She traveled between worlds, an engineer by day, and at home with an impoverished peoples, where poverty is criminalized and rather than an emancipated peoples, most feel little more than powerless.
Our inner cities are symbolic of our inner toxins. And as the first step in creating better eco systems is to put an end to the flow of toxins going in, will admit that am still unsure of what we can do about chem trails raining down upon our once pure air and water supply, albeit what has worked is Food from the Hood, a Crenshaw salad dressing company that converted an unused parcel of land to an urban farmstead. We also need to in turn upgrade education and interject an uplifting curriculum, one that includes more song and dance and less of the fare that feeds an undeserving war machine and military industrial complex, with the rote math and science, that in part perpetuates a biotech wasteland, of which the Hopi prophecy warns will leave many if not most of us, to but fizzle off and fade away, and to be but long gone before all is well again.
All is not well. We sponsor an illicit war on drugs that was conceived in part to shake down the brotherman and the hippie counterculture, and of which feeds an inordinate prison population of peoples of a darker complexion. Once upon a time there was a young woman shot near UCLA. Within a week ten million dollars had been raised to make that Westwood neighborhood safer.
When was the last time we raised anything more than an eyebrow over the countless shootings in South Central, Oakland, Detroit, New Orleans, Chicago, Washington D.C. or any other urban war zone in this here America the beautiful ?? We are a racist and righteous American peoples.
Her name was Dream and I didn’t think to ask her, “where do you draw the line between real life and true life ?” How do we bridge our belief in separation and see things true, and in that we are inseparable, and one in the same. How do we see this thru, and help Dream come true ??
inventor * man of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
You feel boxed in and have tuned out. You have yet to convert your raw crystalline energies into that veritable power source. You can’t see your inventiveness before this ever present computer screen. You’re not quite sure of which way the wind is blowing, as your great ideas only spin around in your mind, and without putting them into practice and physical reality.
Consider to let the spinning wheel spin and to be bold in your thinking. Pause to vent your mind, and without judgment nor censorship. Think twice about anger and scorn, and instead vow to create and produce. Do your research and check things out. Clear the time and space to read and write. Gather ideas and get info. Go back to the drawing board and study of timeless wisdoms. Recall that as we soften to receive, that we can go in any direction from ground zero. Combine different disciplines to fulfill ever changing needs. Twist things together and turn things around. Craft a measured response and make practical application of workable solutions.
Recall that the bigger they are, the harder they fall (for you). If you’re a hot mess take the initiative to clean up your act. And if you find it hard to fathom that you might well be larger than life, consider that it is perhaps time to stop looking (in the mirror), and to start living. Make room and make your way. You are the one we are waiting on. Dream your life, live your dream.

revolutionize your neighborhood