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Today's TOTAL ECLIPSE of the HeART: Are you Ready?

"A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.”

The Sabian Symbol mentioned above is for the last degree of Leo, where Monday’s Total Solar Eclipse hits. The mermaid is married to the images and yearnings of the collective unconscious, the siren seas of emotional undulations pulse in her, just as the artist pleads with the muse, and the inspiring leader channels a voice of reason, rhythm, and poetry. This Solar Eclipse is our invitation to step up and out into the radiant light of our own Leonine heart chakra set ablaze with creative fury. Visible from coast to coast in the U.S. beginning around 10 a.m., we will read below how the eclipse is impacting the country and its "leadership." To view the eclipse live online visit this site.

This eclipse is marked by two Cardinal Squares from Venus in Cancer to Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and from Venus to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. The most vulnerable and tender sensitivities may have been triggered in the last few weeks between eclipses (Venus in Cancer) with a search for a transformative closeness exquisite in its raw intimacy. This level of Uranian authenticity and Plutonian depth is not soft and comfy as Venus in Cancer would like, but rather requires a difficult transparency.

At the recent Tantra festival in Sweden I attended, a major focus was honoring the voices of both the embarrassed shadow pockets of our sexuality, as well as tending the flames of desire that vitalize both our breath and body. It is desire that compels the mermaid to rise from beneath the waves and show herself in all her naked glory.

The festivals that many attended this month reflect Uranus’ trine to the Eclipse degree, where intuitive flashes and a tribe of circus freaks will guide you into radiating more of your unique ray of light. Fortunately, Saturn’s trine assists us in committing to our creative unfoldment through better time management and structural organization in our lives. Remember that Mercury is still Retrograde in Virgo, quaking our communications, travel plans, and technologies, but questing us to discover healthier pattens and daily regimes of improved efficiency and graceful devotion.

Is there part of you that you have clothed with too much armor, which just beneath is the secret to your leadership and creative contribution? What part of you is playing too small, not roaring loud enough, and what parts of your mane are too wild and need to be trimmed?


The Solar Eclipse is on the last degree of Leo, and conjunct the heart of the Lion - royal star Regulus, one of the most powerful and dangerous of stars in the sky. Traditionally Regulus was prominent in the chart of to-be-kings, and it so happens that Donald Trump has Regulus on his Rising sign and Mars, fueling the ‘mad, erratic, irrational king.’ As we know, the intensity of the eclipses have also brought out the darker aspects of violent clashes - the Charlottesville incident, in addition to the tragedy in Barcelona.

Since the eclipse opposes the Moon of the USA Sibly chart, this energy could continue to stretch the Divided States of America to further points of breaking, fueled by the mad king whose unscripted comments about the violence have shocked the public with their lack of sincere condemnation for white supremacy. In addition you can watch the President, with such vile egocentrism comment on his ownership of wineries in the area of Charlottesville. Where is the heart of this king and for how long will it beat with such blind pride?

Interestingly, in his humble, yet scathingly honest evaluation of Trump’s presidency thus far, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel recommended we make Trump honorary King, (Regulus) but without any power. Check out the video here.

Indeed, the Great American Eclipse seems to be setting the stage for the phoenix death and mysterious regeneration of the country, as it nears its Pluto Return at the beginning of the next decade. Mirror, mirror on the wall: what do I create with thought, emotion, speech, and each action I take? I pray, make me a vessel of peace, even though I be a mermaid emerging into humanity from a chaotic choir of clashing seas.

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"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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