afterglow Tarot * post eclipse * ecstasy
This total solar eclipse ran from Oregon 2 South Carolina, across divisions and perpendicular to our continental divide, effectively bisecting the US, and hopefully helping us sew up our split differences, and as an offering to mend the heartland of America. In moving from Standing Rock to Big Summit Prairie, we now have invitation to transcend the tainted, and to usher in this era of redemption. Under sail of the re generation we have lionhearts to best tend to this latest phase of our phoenix rising, and in tending to mend this divided state of America.

In olden times eclipses were the foretelling of the downfall of kings. And one may then ask, and where has that gotten us ?? And as of today one may also hope and wish that the sun king’s daughter may bring out the best in her father sun, and as she well revels in the joy of living, and albeit as she is celebutante princess and saleswoman in and of our modern world, and whilst her dad is off selling us down the road. She and like the most of us suburbanites, are susceptible to being superficial and perhaps even gossipy, and yet she wishes again like the lots of us, to help her fellow womankind, and to be inspiring, to move past her and again our repressed emos, and to be a leader of women. Ivanka is no Heidi, albeit she and once again as the rest of our lot, has chance to reboot and to clear of her shadow patterns and to see with new eyes.

Consider that we are a newly engaged nation, and that for those of us who’ve been a no show of late, that ‘tis now time and of the invitation to show up and pay up, in full. As sister moon has moved between her father sun and our ocean & earth mothers, she has left us exposed of our bioluminescence, and revealed of the revelers, those of us who wish to thusly move from homo phobic to thy homo illuminous. Into the darkness like chocolate and unto the Sun’s faintly lit corona, we are the quiet women and of a sunlit aura and softly glowing halo. We have chance but again to reLife and to realign with the divine. We are ocean & earth wizards, wishing for dissolution of dominion over, and fancy a move from martyr to (coyote) trickster. Some of us may have felt an ever so subtle inner cascade, and even touched upon a soft fluttery crystalline moment in time. It is our coming out party of choice and our return to a most symbiotic whole.
We are alone and all one. With this intimate passing some of us may be embarrassed or the such by our wildside and/or darkside sexuality, and recognize it not as part and parcel to the process of our creative unfoldment, and as we move from armor to amor. We soften to receive. All are invited, all is allowed. The table has been reset, the slate wiped clean. This liberation movement has been given a new face. Like wild turkey and a community of quail, keep your bare feet on the ground. Refresh the screen and welcome home your newest of sheens.
ecstasy * ace of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Accept and revere all. Make believe in the ecstatic states of America. Move from censor to sensor and real eyes that all of the such are of divine origins. Have the courage to completely live out the full range of your emotions. Recall that ecstasy is an emotional intensity that comes with truly living. Living is feeling. Feel everything. Move from that espresso to the full expression of your self. If you’re feeling edgy, unhappy and tired, let it be known. End the caffeine coverup. Take a full swig of things and then pour out all your feelings. Recall that the intensity of feeling comes from a love for life, and in all its entirety. Move up down and all around. Do not hold back. Make room for your newfound state of emotional vitality. Real eyes that your true life is a true story, and that you are beautiful and an ecstatic dancer, in real life and in full living color.
Move on from the shades of grey and express your full rainbow spectrum of feelings. Let it rain and let the sunshine in. Come all the way out and trust in your transcendent feelings on high. Come from the heart, follow your heart, and hold heartfelt space. Cultivate your garden and choose to be emotionally authentic. Keep it real and feel your connection to all things and all your relations. Get out of the house and spend time with her. Put on the scent of tuberose or your flower essence of choice. Be alluring, exotic, sweet and most irresistible. Be in full bloom.
Speak softly, but speak. Have the courage to speak your mind, and by way of pleasantries and soothing insights for sore eyes. Speak of inevitable effluency, and know that you have company in your radiance. Share of your gifts and talents and shine upon all without favor. Acknowledge your sheen and real eyes that they may well be listening, if not merely on account of the glisten in your eyes, and of the ever so natural meander and wander of your words and tone of voice.
Reach out and touch someone, with your beauty and grace. Dance with her.