firewater Tarot * Venus & Mars * equilibrium

Reading around after some of our calamity and travesty of late, am hastened to recall that fire + water = compassion and that firewater is symbolic of compassion. We live, to learn, to love.
There was also commentary that this was a time of judgment or more likely an invitation to make an adjustment, to realign with the divine. In Voyager Tarot it is called Time Space.
That in our calls for justice, we find ourselves wishing for “equal Libra um,” and with the acknowledgement that balance is ever so ephemeral. Am I heading for a spat of hermitude ??
An astrologer added that Venus and Mars will be conjunct in Virgo, and which on a personal note is where both of mine are to be found. Is there invitation for dissolution, to dissolve of my long lost patterns of being forlorn in love. Goddess only knows what more there is to sift thru and distill out ?? The heavens also ascribe that Jupiter is moving into Scorpio, symbolic of dark sexuality and hidden, repressed emos. Again, into the darkness like chocolate ?? Am I to once again delve unto the darkness for an answer to my prayer for emotional and sexual healing ??
equilibrium * two of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Do not resist your emotions. Feel deeply. Care for and about others. With warm smile and soft eyes, go to places of extremes and everything inbetweens. Recall that with heaven everywhere and at home anywhere, you are capable of great happiness (blossoming) in the driest (desert) of times. Be nondependent on external events for emotional vitality and satisfaction. Real eyes that peace, love and understanding lends itself to peace, love and joy.
Go with the flow and glow with emotional sunniness. As the world turns, return to center regardless of the turn of events in your life. Be like the mountain watershed, continuously full of emotional reserves. Know your innermost wellspring as a spring of fulfillment.
Acknowledge the different seasons, amidst wintry emo barrenness and iciness, spring torrents of feeling, summer tranquility and peace, and fall dryness and endings.
To best regenerate your emo vitality and to keep on with the keeping on, and of flowing most evenly, be accepting of the new in your life. Consider too that an even metabolism creates an even mind and an even heart. Be of this world, but with an awareness that transcends the material girl.
Visit your inner waters and grotto within to own your beauty and power with an ever so amazing grace.

a meditative state of mind and heart for the river that runs thru it all....