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free for all Tarot * he’s back * nurturing

And it’s not that any one political savant is the answer, but gotta give it up to Bernie. He’s back and at it again, and he has my support. And while we’re at it, would love a maximum wage, for local governments to buy the near abandoned plots of lands and give’m back to the peoples to grow food, to sit in circle, to empty the prisons and to stop this sham called privatization of prisons. To acknowledge that these are real peoples, not for profits. Like the rest of every other country on this most beloved earth, we do indeed need Universal Health Care and/or Medicare for All.

A single payer national healthcare program puts the health of the citizen over any corporate balance sheet. Universal health care, at least in theory, leaves no one behind, and again in theory, every citizen receives coverage regardless. The single payer system would eliminate co pays and deductibles, include longterm care, abortion coverage, mental, dental and vision, and reproductive health care, and regardless of preexisting medical conditions. Single payer reduces if not eliminates our financial barrier to entry and returns autonomy to doctors. The plan is for no premiums and for us to enjoy the doctors and hospitals of our choosing. While minimizing out of pocket expense, there would still be the option for supplemental private coverage.

The move from for profit to non profit is backed by presidential hopefuls, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker, with the thought that single payer would reduce the complexity of billing (perhaps leaving less room for the requisite funny math/monies?), and reduce paperwork and red tape.

The to date lonely hearts club campaign faces plenty of opposition, from Big Pharma and the private insurance industry robber barons, their soon to be unemployed corporate execs, and lobbyists that are nothing short of experts at the art of omission. Opponents claim that most any of the above is costly and disruptive (but the “war” on drugs and terrorism rolls right along), that such a policy would soon afford us poor quality health care and long wait lines at the office, and longer queues in hospitals, enable more bureaucracy, and that medical professionals would now essentially be de facto/facsimile government employs. More so single payer would hamper research and any and all new cure alls, reduce any financial incentive and for just the such, lead to more bloated government admin, put fraudulent claims on the increase and decrease the availability of innovative treatments. Some even say that centrists bog things down and that things get "wonky" with them in the equation, an equation that adds up to $32trillion/ten years.

Can we please do the right thing and for the right reasons, all for one and one single pay for all.

nurturing * three of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Lend a helping and guiding hand. Be supportive. Love with wisdom. Be gentle in your application of what you know. There is no reason to give up. Keep on with the keepin’ on.

Pay attention to areas that are hurting, at home and across the nation. Recall that health is wealth. Ask what is in the best interest of all, and make manifest one step at a time.

And for the next seven generations.

the persistent and patient tending to biz and responsibility necessary for success....



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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