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January Tarot * upside down * year of balance

Are you willing to take a look at things from an upside down or reversed point of view come this new year of ‘015 ?? What does the Voyager “Balance” card look like for you upside down ?? Has your impenetrability (diamond egg) displaced your unspent tears (hot air balloon) ?? Looking at the ring around the Xcalibur’s sheathe, have you asked yourself what vow are you willing to make in this lifetime ?? Do you wonder how it is that there is a white phallic energetic/figure firmly planted at your mind’s eye ?? What exactly is it that might well summon your lust for this life ?? Is it time for the hummingbird to return to its truest of natures, and to take its nose off the grindstone, or is your preference for the workaholic ?? Has your feminine aspect or ballet dancer overextended herself and is now ready to take an embarrassing dive, or is there the thought that what is holding you up is actually holding you down ?? And how long will you wait ‘til the empty basket goes unfulfilled once again ?? Set the basket down (at least nothing spilled) and let what you thought was an inescapable ball and chain, bounce away and of its own accord. Don’t be afraid to drop the ball, nor to stray from being on point. Think not of work, but of the dance. Gaze instead from the horizon of your mind’s eye, and reimagine your diamond life.

Recall too, if you will, that a reversed or upside down card is not always (if ever) of a negative or necessarily opposite meaning, and instead oft represents a person in transition, a matter in flux or a shift in the works. An upside down card can also be symbolic of an open door in waiting or a window of opportunity. More a matter of chance than fate, reversed cards suggest something dynamic as opposed to static. Some would also suggest than an upside down card is something internal rather than external, something obscure or hidden in the shadows perhaps, rather than obvious or on the surface of things. Most would also agree that your task is to intuit your best sense for things, and to allow that we are all in process. Intuit the truth as you best can and remember that you are conduit and not answerwoman.

And back to the white phallic energetic, and for those of you still following along, cannot resist revisiting and reexamining the placement of the seemingly unmistakable image of a (white) penis at the mind’s eye. We’ve all heard the axiom, she’s got him by the balls, but how does this penis have you by your third eye, if I may ask (and prolly best of myself) ?? Are we so obsessed by “to sex or not to sex,” and what is so wrong or right about sex, and for the good, the bad (and the ugly) of it, and for the better or worse of things ?? Speaking for myself, I don’t know if I could know any less about Christian guilt and shame when it comes to sex. I also ask myself how is that the lingham is so seemingly loathed by many, and the penis envied, while the phallic symbol is rarely, at least by my observation, held as sacred, while there is a popular book titled, “Cunt,” dialouges have been called the “Vagina,” and again personally am hard pressed to come up with anything held more sacred on this planet earth, than the yoni ?? As a reader, and considering the crowd ( :) am gonna take a gander here and suggest that us “divine feminines” need to make a bit more space in our lives and personal makeup, for our divine or enchanted masculine, and that in order that we best consider a return to balance, in this year of just the such.

Balance (unevolved) * from Voyager Tarot

Are you “overly structured, idealistic and principled,” or “too soft headed,” and someone who just “blows with the wind,” and “agrees with the last person,” who told you so ?? Are you a person of emoderation (emotional moderation), and “don’t fully express your feelings ??” Are you overly familiar with “rigidity, unable to make adjustments, because (you’re) always in the mind evaluating ??” How often are you feeling “haughty” or “above it all ??” Do you always gotta be up, and afraid that any (wrong) “movement will cause order” and perfection to revert to disorder” and chaos ??” Have you remained with the stag nation, afraid and/or unable to cross over to the relation ship ?? Do you feel “frozen, dried up,” stiff and “hard ??” Such is “the death of the dance of life.” How long you gonna stay on the down low, in your lower gears, and always hangin’ out w/those (ever so lovable) low lifes ?? “Sit/stand up straight” and pay attention to your karma yoga. Dial her up and let it be known !!

ps. will add the reminder that (happy) Mercury retrograde is a grand opportunity for a return to balance, to integrate/digest, regroup and relax.... remember that sometimes we have to pass backwards to score the goal,



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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