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the 4713th Chinese New Year * 15/6 * Devil's Play, Lovers

love is blind and so is blind submission. Sheep more easily than not take to flattery and compliments, and are quicker than not to heed suggestions from friends. Rather than just save room for yes, they tend to never say no. Craving attention sheep easily get carried away, only to lose interest not long after. Intoxicated by romance and the subsequent feelings of euphoria, life is good. They unknowingly fall in love with each other’s vulnerability which makes for memorable relationship. Luckily enough you can keep a secret with a sheep. And the secret is: do what you love and like. Enjoy yourself and live in joy.

engage in emotional intimacy, share of yourself, emotional insecurity, need approval from others for emotional fulfillment, addicted to romance, express your sexuality, heal thru touch, build bonds, bond with others who are your twins/soul mates, dependence on others, possessive, meddlesome, consider new ideas in May/June, you are a beauty and the beast, harmonize with variety, express all your colors

the preChristian concept of the devil is Pan, the Capricorn half man/half goat that led all with his pan pipes to dance and sing and rejoice for the harvest and the fruitful life, the goat/Capricorn/Pan aspect of Devil’s Play brings to life an irrepressible sense of humor and pranksterism, yet originality and vitality, the goat has always been noted for destroying the vineyards, and getting drunk in the process, play in December/January, frolic in nature, weekends, after work, happy hour, Halloween, harvest, Spring, be agile and keep your balance, do not be afraid to tread a fine line between success and failure, take on a challenge, enjoy being on the edge, be friendly, sociable



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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