me too Tarot * me three * priestess
Am gonna leave myself exposed here, as have been reading the coupla few seemingly heroic posts from some of my men friends, their admissions of their folly and foibles, and their subsequent beseeching of forgiveness. And I wish I could see things true, and as they do.
And I don’t. I don’t wish to absolve women of their responsibility, and I wish for them to own and come into their power and beauty, and with an ever so amazing grace.
Withholding is a form of control. We are all complicit in this thing called life.
And women might be the more vulnerable in the physical aspect, but they are hardly without recourse nor resource. And unfortunately, they oft have hardly been without motive or hidden agenda, and again oft without the best interests of all involved or at heart. We all play our part.
Will also add that I don’t think I’m speaking from just one side of the fence, as I learned sexual inadequacy as a young boy, and more so as she knew not what she did, than any premeditated intent at getting her grown woman needs met by an eight year old boy. And however emotional or sexual in regards to things, I cannot say, other than it is more than mere suspicion that I suspect most all of us act out, sexually and otherwise, from our childhood trauma.
For some, that is a repressed anger, that may or may not take the form of violence, and unfortunately against women at times, and in a sexual manner, which is a his and herstory.
And where is the blame to be spent, and to what extent is there benefit in such behavior ??
Do we consider the biological aspect of things ?? At what point in our Venus & Mars engagement do the biological dominoes start their fall from grace ?? And the historical aspect of matriarchal society, a womanfolk that held kings in service for a year, and then it was off with his head, not out to pasture, but put six foot asunder. And perhaps too far out for some, albeit is there an extraterrestrial equation ?? Was there an alien nation that was robbed of its reproductive function and is here to resurrect their race, having genetically restructured and/or reprogrammed some if not most all of us on this here their experimental playground ??
Personally my lean is less toward sympathy and more a wish for empathy, and again I suspect that our American tendency to sexualize more oft than not, is no less a distraction from a most divine union, and not reason enough for garish amendments and cosmetic counter excess.
My wish is for an emotional and sexual healing, and that as a Christian woman friend of mine referred to them as, the adultress and warrish women in our midst, would remix their message of sexually implicit signals, and rely less on any hoped for forbearance on our parts.
‘Tis all fair in love and war, and most all about power and money for some. ‘Tis the war of the sexes. She is raped and we send her to the rapist (therapist). As American males, we are oft rendered emotionally numb and spiritually void. We know but too little of spatial awareness and her womanly intuition. If only we both could learn of the integrity of loving kindness.

Priestess * (me) two * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Watch out for manipulation and the haphazard chance to corrupt your integrity. Avoid compromising your integrity, to make a dollar or to gain undue approval and validation.
Insecurity comes from a lack of faith in your most heartfelt of perceptions. The priestess intuitively knows the truth. You are intuitive by nature and capable of quickly sounding out the truth. You are capable of detecting the most minute and faintest of vibrations. Go with your own sense of things. Real eyes that you have the inner stillness to see clearly. See peoples for who they are. See yourself as you are.
You can see to the depths and get to the bottom of things. See clearly and counsel wisely.
Refrain from being defensive, judgmental and uptight. The priestess represents the balance derived out of the harmony between the tension and conflict of opposites. Be objective and always speak as truthfully as possible. Refrain from trying to gain power over another, or to get something from someone. Share your peace and let them and things go.
Resist using another for personal gain. If lacking warmth and (com)passion, recall that we soften to receive. If you are cold and feel the ice queen coming on, say what you mean and mean what you say, and recall that dishonesty and sabotage clouds the truth. Consider that frigid and rigid is no way to go thru life. If you are a married woman out for a somewhat secretive night out, at a night club, and perhaps unhappy aboard your relation ship, watch for being inarticulate and yourself in denial of what you too readily concur is a fear of emotional commitments.

Ask not of the king to riddle me this, and perhaps instead to let Oedipus and/or Electra be, and again however complex you may decry. And as the true king wears no crown, consider too to let yours be.