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thinly veiled Tarot * meditate on these things * feeler

‘Tis the season for settling into that altered state, and whether that be via meditation, prayer or an otherwise moment of divine intervention, it is written that the veil is at its thinnest at this time of All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain, and Dia de Las Muertas.

As I close my eyes I keep my focus on my crown chakra, and whether it’s seventh heaven or cloud nine, I am not sure, other than there is undoubtedly an electromagnetic/electrochemical state of just desserts that begins to permeate and circumambulate, as I am dialed in and buzzed up, and upon which is ridiculously pleasant. The idea is to harmonize and to resonate with that ever present live stream of connectivity, to touch upon a most numinous conductivity, and to merge within an ever most optimal frequency. My broadband signal is cast toward the hoped for wide open portal, beyond resistance and to move in unison aboard this relation ship, and as well guided by our uni verse. The story is that we are best to synchronize our left and right side of the brain (albeit my experience is mostly of a right side phenomenon), and as our pineal and pituitary glands are activated as Joseph and Mary, and in the land of milk and honey.

The thinning of the veil is an invitation to let go, and with the wish to grow so meek as to inherit the all of this earth. Yes, please, and thank you so much. I love you so much.

Our deep state is one of psychosomatic transport, and as our light body moves beyond time and space and unto the unbearable lightness of being. Sucked into the primordial soup of bloup, bloup, bloup, we are lost unto the cosmic cauldron, and without reference point nor bearings.

In b flat, our pulsing is of “love, love, love,” and “of, of, of,” and of “ahhhh….”

As the proverbial Fool we literally jump off into the void, the vacuum and the abyss. The great mystery and unknown is the dissolving of what is into what isn’t, and of matter into what ??

We move from critical mass to unspeakable morass, and back from imbroglio to embryo. Our filter mimics/mirrors that of our univiscersal process and perhaps follows an extraterrestrial side of quantum physics. We know little of what we are taking in, nor leaving out, albeit as we lift the veil we find we move from fragments to fractals, and from fragmentation to integration.

Our altered state can at times be disconcerting and/or unsettling as there can be an acceleration and the hyperventilation of the shamanic breath, in and out of seemingly but a pinhole between the lips. The reminder is that for some ‘tis the return of the bird tribes, and as we move from transpersonal to translucent, adapter to adopt her, and from biochem to bioluminescence.

The breath is faint, and with little to no cognition of the such, as that is not the focus, or not at least as I have been taught (and as I am yet to embark upon the holotropic breathwork of Stansilav Grof), and we are upon what some refer to as “coherent nonlocal resonance.” At ground zero we are at, as some refer to it, as the “ground zero (unified) field,” and within reach of her “ground luminosity.” We have moved from ego to let go, and real eyes that we have never fallen from grace, and that the kingdom of god is truly to be found within.

And however uncertain I may be as to having touched upon the all of any holy grail, I am more certain than not that there is a residual feeling for the taking of responsibility for things, and a dividend of an outpouring of an overflowing sense of gratitude. There is the thought that our compassion and charity are the fruits of our mystickal labors, and that our inner and outer works are intertwined and perhaps the source of (at least) my mysto politico bent.

There is the query as to what more do plants and perhaps animals have to share with us ?? And that if we were to be found living in harmony with the natural law and order that the Hopi prophecy has to say for us, can we then take responsibility for this her planet, and not unlike we do for ourselves once we become adults. And that out from our adolescence, our teen angst, and any version of the materialistic tweener that we then come clear of our Saturn return, ready to get to work. And that we do not feel ashamed of our intellectual rigor, and are lest to be shamed into submission by those who would be but fodder for robust intellectual challenge.

My personal wish is that I may move from giving them the bizness, to leaving them to their isness. To refrain from the moorish behavior of reductionist Tarot, and to engage of a more transpersonal, if not aethereal version of decoding the cards and/or images. To see and know love and power as one in the same, and to be well held by her most divine embrace. To know well again that life is indeed a love story, and her song but our lantern.

I am enchanted by her starlight and (pulsating) rhythm. I pray and sing out loud.

feeler * child of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

I am no thing. I don’t exist. I am the antithesis of that. I am not that.

When I read cards I ask, what truth does your body hold ?? But the question is “hold what ?” And the answer is to hold on.

What is at the core essence of my Wayness ?? My what ?? Is there such a thing/being as my ?? Who am I ?? Who was I ?? Eye what ??

You are a natural parade of feelings. Take pause to marvel and wonder at how you become more alive and vital thru your show of feelings. Refrain from the masking of any authentic emos and feelings. Find out how you bottle up and repress your feelings. Ask of yourself as to why you are perhaps unwilling to be emotionally vulnerable.

Real eyes that you are all that, and then some.

I am alive. I can feel.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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