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the Tarot of inequity * liberation theology * oppression

Clarity within, liberation movement without.

In our complicity with wealth and power, we engage in economic systems that are built upon the backs of the global poor. Inequity of wealth, environmental destruction of our mother ocean & earth mothers, rural marginalization and wayward urban shantytowns, are but the toxic residuals of our belief in manifest destiny. ‘Tis but there for the taking, and we are the unforgiven.

We are without a socialist inspired consciousness. We fashion pleasantries rather than the concerns of the peasantry. We have forgotten of Gandhi and his belief in manual labor. We sit not in the circles of the populous, the indigenous peoples, black peoples and the mestizo. Our task of adaptation and discernment, and the resolve to listen exhaustively to each and every pov is rarely part of our ongrowing story, and as we may grow toward compassion and nonviolence.

Do we not share a social responsibility toward those of us afflicted, and in any and all ways ?? Where is our full participation, deep listening and a coherent expression to the themes arising from original spiritual experience, of and including those that are entheogenic in origin ??

Is compassion not our compass ?? Is it not in time to update revelation ?? Do we not make the space for meditation, silence and the notion of simplicity ?? When is the last day off you took for fasting and silence ?? Can we move from the longing for liberation, to not long for liberation??

What are the needs of the poor and oppressed ?? Can vegetarianism help ?? Can we eat more raw, and perhaps learn less of war ?? In discovering our solidarity with the lay peoples of today, will we not discover that the process of decision making is as important as tomorrow’s outcome ??

It may be messier, but we may well be more alive and our lives more open to surprise !!

oppression * five of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

All things are possible if you see the possibilities.

Your spirit is luminous and free. Live in the radiance of your spirit. Be natural, alive and animated. Abound in your truest of natures. You are truly the uni verse. Sing your heartsong.

If you feel fenced and roped in, in shackles and knots, reach out from the unrestricted spaces in your heart and mind, and with your hands as extension of the heart. Be heartfelt.

A group of ravens is called an unkindness. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

A group of hawks is called a cast. Don’t hang the dj, and fall back into tongue and groove. Consider to cast/extend an alternative groove and to real eyes you are the messenger.

Clarity within, liberation movement without.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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