White + Racist AF * I don’t really care * do you
If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. If I’m not white and racist AF (and with an American flag draped over my truckbed, and with a souped up and oversized, semi hemi under my hood), I’m part of the problem.
The Nazis are coming. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
Long ago we were warned of the fact, or at least alerted to the notion that fascism is again rearing it’s (fill in the blank) head in America.
God bless America. God damn make America great again (gulp of sadness just to write that).
I’m in the army now, I’m in the money now, give ‘em hell anyhow.
I’m so spiritually void, eyes gots no problem with dem cages, child traffickers nor foster homes.
I’m so emotionally numb I have ICE in my veins. Build the wall y’all. Keep those damn illegals outta my country ‘tis of thee. Bless that sweeping hand of bigotry, land where our black fathers have died, land where so many young black men have died and/or gone to prison. From every field to factory let wage slavery ring, in the land of the ignoble and me.
I’m so haole, I can’t breathe, under the silence of the lambs and sheep.
I’m so blessed, with Jesus, Israel and our Melania import. I don’t really care, do you ??

(if you don't think those words were quoted straight from the Donald, I will politely suggest that you are mistaken)
I don’t really care if it came from the horse’s mouth, don’t really care ‘bout his coverup of things, nor whether she is half being held against her will (who wouldn’t want to live in Manhattan), nor the irony of things. I mean, when was the last time she threw an affectionate glance at her other’s keeper, nigh watchman, trophy holder, her slim shady 2.0 ??
And yes we have/had high hopes for Bernie and Elizabeth, and perhaps for Corey and Kamala going forward, and yes again there is Osario and Gabbard and the peoples of and from Standing Rock, albeit there’s more than a family or friend or coupla few that prefers the Donald and his friends Kim Jong and Putin, not to mention the many friends of Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.
I’ll make no bones about it, it’s the Reds/Republicans who are all in for 1984, the preponderance of surveillance cameras (not to mention chem trails and HAARP), all on our taxpayer’s dime, Homeland Security, ICE, NSA, CIA, the deep state (whatever and whoever that is ?), et al, etc.
Make no mistake about it, the separatists are holding sway here, and whether by hook or by crook seems to be beside the point. And whether guilt ridden and gone schizo, Diebold don’t care. Give’m hell Trumpy, just hold onto to your halo/hairpiece Donny boy.
(Wonder what my friend, the skeptical absurdist, would have to say ‘bout things ?)
negativity * five of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
See how my mind creates doubt and pessimism. Look (here) at my defeatist thinking.
Negative interpretations are culturally conditioned. They come from all the ways society has said that I have not done well and good enough.
Consider to cut out defeatist thinking, as to overcome the negative mind is the most important lesson eye can learn.
Negativity is the mind of the hierophant, the revealer of the light. Be aware of my negativities and negate them. Real eyes that negativity creates emotional stress and physical breakdown, and can lead to worldly setback and failure. Negativity can break your spirit.
There is the deep state, and then there is the dark mind. Negative thinking creates confusion and conflict, and leaves one susceptible to dull mindedness. A closed and narrow mind leaves room for delusion and the pursuit of illusions. I am neglecting the present for the before and after the fact. Eye see things as a disaster zone, feed off pain and defeat, and am (constantly) in fear of death and destruction. I am unbalanced, and full of rage against the machine.
Who knew 😊 (even the Tarot is in on the fix.... ;)