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Yearning theocracy * melancholia for the masses * reflection

One of the regulars and a bit of an academic/research head, came in the other day and referred to it as a “yearning theocracy,” and suggested that ‘tis what we wish for as Americans. And that was on the heels of Daniel Pinchbeck’s Leviathan prognostication that “they” might allow 45 to be thrown to the wolves/lions and that Pence may well be installed as our fundamentalist catholic leader of the Fourth Reich. On top of that, shamanic astrologer Verdarluz shared that this summer’s astrological constellation is (eerily) similar to that for the rise of Nazi Germany.

Is that how we’re going out ?? Is that what’s gonna sink us…. a dictatorship ??

‘Tis roundly surmised that empires have a life expectancy of 300 years, and that our 1776 is slowly nearing expiration. And surely as Midnight Oil exclaim, truth and fiction must collide.

But what about our millennials rising ?? Have we gone from Lady and/or Maid Marion to but marionettes, already having dismissed our democratic socialists in favor of National Socialism, reversed field from sensor to censor, and conveniently forgotten our once paradise lost ??

Christian by definition, our theocrats are dependent upon a militarized police state, Homeland Security and ICE. And despite a commandment of “thou shalt not kill,” we are party to a corporatocracy that grows itself upon unprovoked aggression. Our last potus lived up to his namesake and dropped a bomb every ten minutes over the course of his administration.

Apparently theocracy is not just endemic to Iran as Ron Paul ordained that fascism would come (to America) “wrapped in the flag, and carrying a cross.”

What resonates ?? What is resonant ?? (And what is up with the off limits Vatican library ?)

Does the king’s daughter have an answer, or is it Melancholia (for the all of us) ??

reflection * two of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Eye cannot see to the bottom of things if the surface is all stirred up. Tranquility brings clarity. Look deeply and ask what is my truest of natures, what is thy work, what is my contribution to make here, and how am I to be in relationship to things as they stand now.

Be receptive, be a receiver. Be still and take refuge. Reserve judgment. Remain neutral and stay open. It will dawn upon us. We will know when the time comes to jump in(to the fire).

Don’t move. Get away from it all and wait things out. Consider that it is not yet a time for action, and to go inward and real eyes that contraction necessarily precedes expansion.

Be patient. Fast in order to set the table for activation.

Recall the white wolf as spirit teacher.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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