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Subterranean Tarot * the underworld * dullness

Been holdin’ on to this one for awhile, as was not so very long ago introduced to the concept of titans below our earthly crust while doing a version of the spiral dance at the Faery Congress. There is also the longstanding story of Lemuria below Mt. Shasta (TELOS) or your sacred site of choice and the notion of underground abodes inhabited by ancient aliens or otherworldly beings. Shamanically speaking there are the upper and lower worlds and the netherworld or the Christian concept of Hel, relatively speaking. We all know of trolls and gnomes, and of caverns and aquifers, and of the lure of mineral deposits, and with stories of gold mined and sold. There is the purported crystalline conductivity of underground crystal poles and bridges, and more recently reports of underground cities underneath Denver and other American metropolitans.

There are reports of the hollow earth idyll Agharta, and how many unaccounted for Nazis may have relocated there, of Admiral Richard Byrd and his entry and exit thru the Poles and what he had come upon there (at our innermost core), and stories of Erik the Red and his myriad of Greenland Vikings, who purportedly just up and disappeared, headed north and perhaps “lost” unto a place of an endless summer. And then there are the conclusions drawn that the Mayans also just up and disappeared, with many hypothesizing that they had discovered ascension ?? Or did they decide on a “descent ?” And does a hollow earth lend some heretofore unseen evidence in support of the Hopi sipapu world story ?? And how ‘bout the whereabouts of the ten “Lost” Tribes of Israel ?? Shamballah ?? The fifth dimension and the Rainbow Bridge ??

dullness * seven of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Are you a “stone ager,” set in your ways and with a belief system etched in stone ?? Are you of an immovable mind, defensive and insecure when asked to perhaps adjust and recalibrate your mindset ?? Do rest assumed and for the most part unnoticeable beliefs govern your life ?? Do you too oft feel but commonplace and dull, perhaps behind the times with outdated beliefs and more oft than not barren of your own ideas ?? Are you of an unreceptive mind and at times asleep (at the wheel) ?? Are you seeing with real eyes, or seemingly just mostly in the dark ??

Consider to right the ship and rest your mind. Let your brain wind down and be dull with it. Real eyes that in mental rest there is regeneration. Give your mind the opportunity to regroup and renew. Watch that you are not becoming (overly) dull in your curiosity, as the mind that degenerates is one that finds nothing interesting nor of much stimulation, to pursue. Keep your mind open, inquiring and imaginative, but do not forget to rest and reset. Use dullness as your refuge, and as we all recall that boredom, the lack of curiosity, is antithetical to the life spirit.

Recall that ‘tis the bones and stones that hold spirit, and that ‘tis more than likely a rocky road to Shambala. Make sure of your mental foundation. Recall dullness as the philosopher’s stone, and as it symbolizes (our intuition and) the philosophical underpinning on which you base your life. Know your belief system as your grounding (of sorts), and that which keeps you in your body and centered in your heart. Consider to invest in a philosophy of which is down 2 earth, and in considering that with a practical and dependable philosophy of living as your mental base, that ‘tis therefrom (that base camp) that you can take great leaps of consciousness.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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