world philosophy day * Chadmiration, Basho, Mark Whitwell and Jeremiah Abrams
Edirne Eski Camii by Nevit Dilmen
Truth is univisceral. Wisdom is gentle in its application. Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there. Arguing just makes you grow older faster.
In pursuit of the golden rules, save room for yes (bless). Chop wood, carry water. “Stop looking and start living.” Welcome “the (insignificant) faults of the beloved, and ask for (another) unbroken round of forgiveness.” As you unwind this “fairy tale of an eternal tea party,” and in doing your best to unscramble the truths and iron out the wrinkles, may you do well to find your answers but blowin’ in the wind. And as we see our way toward peace, love and understanding.
Quan Yin Elegance by Paul Heussenstamm
(Jiddu) Krishnamurti asked us to “think on these things.” Quan Yin teaches us mercy, tolerance and compassion. And one of my fave stories is how James Wanless, the creator of Voyager Tarot, was unable to go trekking in Nepal, and instead spent his month meditating, and found that he was soon cured of his political scientist. The philosopher seeks clarity of mind.
Shekinah by Briar
See with real eyes. As free spirit and independent thinker, share of what you know, and what you don’t know. As I deepen my relationship with things/her, and as I get closer to it/her, I gain clarification on the unanswered question. Why don’t we do the right thing ?? Who is Shekinah and how am I to be in relationship to her ?? Can I be accepting of things and at peace with the outcome ?? Pray tell what is the unexamined life ?? How is that so, and as it is written ??
Who are these peoples and what exactly is philosophy ?? Some proffer that ‘tis hard to call oneself an environmentalist if you’re not vegan. Is that not true of calling oneself a philosopher and not a humanist, as one in and of the same ?? How do we enlist philosophical differences, political discourse and critical thinking, and while staying (centered/grounded) in our body ??
In our quest for truth, the (astonished) adept asks how is that we can (just) coexist ?? We know the pursuit of truth as a strangebrew. In our love of wisdom, we cherish dignity and diversity, social transformation and an intercultural dialogue, and know the fool as wisest of them all.

Hannah Arendt, Pema Chodron, Chief Sealth, Ram Dass, Khalil Gibran, Marcus Garvey

Tenzin Gyatsu/the 14th Dalai Lama, John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Nelson Mandela, Ayn Rand, Confucius, Leo Tolstoy, Henry David Thoreau

Amma, the Peace Pilgrim, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy
And they are oddfellows and of an oft, mostly odd lot at that. Henry David Thoreau, Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Buckminster Fuller, Dr. (Theodor) Seuss (Geisel), John Lennon, Marcus Garvey, Richard Alpert/Ram Dass, Osho and Lewis Carroll. Who woulda thought ?? Avram Noam Chomsky, MLK, JFK, Tenzin Gyatso/the 14th Dalai Lama, Khalil Gibran, Saint Teresa of Avila, Ayn Rand, Mother Teresa, the Peace Pilgrim/Mildred Lisette Norman Ryder, Amma, Chief Sealth, Nelson Mandela and Pema Chodron. We know Lao Tzu, Confucius, (Mawlana Jalaleddin) Rumi, Hafiz, Thich Naht Hanh, Mahatma Gandhi, Voltaire and most likely Leo Tolstoy. Albeit who knew of Paramhansa Yogananda or female philosopher Hannah Arendt ?? Just who is this philosopher king and the philosopher’s stone ??

Paramhansa Yogananda, Mother Teresa, Lewis Carroll, Voltaire, Robert Louis Stevenson

Ram Dass, Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Rumi, Gandhi, James Wanless, Teresa of Avila, Hafiz

Dr. Seuss, Thich Naht Hanh, Anaxagoras of Clazonmemenae, the Dalai Lama

Rene Descartes, Shekinah, Avram Noam Chomsky, Gandhi, Lao Tsu
What is the intangible, and how does knowingness come from just the such ?? Our words convey the meaning of life, albeit not until she rings true and you feel it in your bones.
dullness * seven of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
Make sure of your mental foundation, and that you have an intellectual basis for your emotional investments. Stay down 2 earth and consider that from your mental base camp, that you can well grow up in consciousness. Rest (your mind) and regenerate. Regroup and renew. Still your mind amidst this great movement, and consider again to give voice to what your (visceral and/or kinesthetic) sense of things is. Wind (it) down and recall that an open mind finds open doors.
Buckminster Fuller by Kenneth Johnson
What do you make believe ?? Ain’t nothin’ etched in stone. Recall that we soften to receive. Consider that this philosopher’s stone is your light heart and most womanly intuition. Watch to not throw the baby out with the bathwater, and to perhaps be more oft conventional and/or practical.
Dullness is when I’m not feeling so alive, and there is less light and perhaps love in my life. Asleep at the wheel of fortune is no way to go thru life. Watch for mental blocks and being closed minded, and for being the owner of an impenetrable mindset. (Watch what you eat for that becomes food for thought). If I always operate under assumption, ‘twon’t be long ‘fore I’m behind the times and out of date. Into the (inevitable) darkness like chocolate, check yourself and know when it’s time to come out of your room and to call an end to this year’s hibernation.
Consider that the commoner (in you) is nothing short of extra ordinary.