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National Day of the Horse * surfer, chariot, breakthrough, freedom

unicorn with redhead faery flower girl by Jody Bergsma

They say the mark of a true woman is her grace.

In turn would also venture that in the face of the current abominable abuse of power the world over, one of the best things we can do to remediate this climate of horrors is to begin to own our own power, and with a most amazing grace and beauty.

‘Tis also been said that it takes a strong woman to stand up to her fate. In speaking for myself and perhaps for the most all of us, is it not time to hear it straight from the horses mouth ??

Would it perhaps be timely if ‘twas a horse of a different color that began to saddle the load ??

While the some of us are feeling reined in, and perhaps even in fear of being drawn and quartered, who is it among us that can look ye ol’ warhorse in the eye and explain to them that the plough horse is not just a workhorse, and that black (beauty) is beautifu! ??

black beauty is beautiful * black winged horse by Jody Bergsma

Who can help move us from a stag nation to a relation ship. Who can see things (true, and thru) to their conclusion ??

courage of butterflies to speak up * unicorn love by Jody Bergsma

the dream creates the journey * two horses in sacred hoop by Jody Bergsma

Who can further explain that ‘twas never the night mare that led you astray while sleeping, but rather the faery steed who was there (in the darkest hour/dreamtime) to illustrate the truth of the matter, and for better or worse.

Who is gonna help unhitch us from our proverbial carriage, to inspire us to get off this age ol’ merry go round, and to remind others to get off their rocking horse, and that once upon a time we were indeed born wild and free.

Is it time to saddle up and get our giddy up on ?? Do we have more ground to cover than we know ??

How do we get our earth, wind and fire on ?? They say we are harnessed for benefit, but how were we (and things) when we roamed untamed and untethered ??

And what about our repressed sexuality ?? What would an Italian stallion have to say ‘bout that ??

surfer * man of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

Thracian horse cup, like the explorer Thracians, explore your unknown emotions, get into a rhythm, find your balance

the Chariot * VII * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

pulled by the horse, his primal soulmate, the charioteer breaks thru, the chariot rune is Ehwaz, which means “horse”, symbol of a powerful means to reach your highest aspirations, you are good in the stretch run, you are clairvoyant

breakthrought * seven of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

strengthen yourself, exercise, run free, feel your oats, get on your high horse

Horses * Freedom * Sustain Yourself Cards by James Wanless



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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