Happy new years * hanged man * 12 = 2+0+1+9 * the dangler
The story of the sacrificial death, of crucifixion and resurrection, of deities that die and come back to life, is perhaps five thousand years old if not more so. Horus and Dionysius were crucified, and along with Mithra were all born of December 25. All have twelve disciples and create miracles. Wodin (the Second to Come) was hung from the world tree of knowledge.
2019 is the year of the Hanged Man, the (major arcana) twelve card in Tarot (2+0+1+9 = 12).
Odin as Hangatyr (lord of the hanged), as Hangi (the hanged), and as Vafud (dangler), is the story of Odin’s own hanging unto the Yggdrasill, and his subsequent attainment of runic knowledge.
“I know that I hung On a wind cold tree Nine full nights, With spear wounded (healer), And given to Odin, Myself given to myself, On that tree Which nobody knows From where its roots run.
No bread did they give me Nor drink from a horn, I peered downwards, I took up the Runes, Screaming (death cry of the ego) I took them, Then I fell back from there.”
From verses 138/9 of the Havamal (the saying of Odin)
Odin became exuberant and wise, and as he drank from the precious mead of inspiration poured from the cauldron of Odrærir (the one that stimulates to ecstasy).
The story of the hanged man is one of his hanging as a spiritual death. The hanged man dies as a man and is reborn as god/an enlightened being. The hanged man doesn’t give up his physical existence, albeit rather his ego or sense of individuality, in order to real eyes his oneness with the universe (symbolized by the Yggdrasill/cosmic tree). By giving up everything he becomes the whole. This is the essence of Odin, the essence of the twelve card in Tarot, the hanged man.

This is the culmination of (our) soul’s quest for realization, to see with real eyes, and which is symbolized by the knowledge of runes/divination, and the drinking of the mead of inspiration.

The Yggdrasill (Odin’s horse or gallows) is an ash tree with its branches spread all over the world, and where the gods meet daily to hold council. The cosmic tree is supported by three roots, symbolic of wisdom, fate and the rivers of the world. There sits a wise eagle upon the crown of the tree, and with a hawk situated between the eyes (of the eagle). According to some, the unmentioned is the memory of the tree, or the knowledge/understanding of the uni verse. The source of this knowledge is the well (of the tree), symbolic of (buried) treasure/a sacred space where things are hidden, and with the treasure/sacred possession to be this knowledge.
By his hanging Odin gains the knowledge of the runes, and of which is symbolic of self realization, the sacrifice of our individual self unto the cosmic self, or greater whole.
In the giving up of our limited self in order to become (more) whole, we become one with the uni verse/all things. The function of the cosmic world tree of knowledge is to give the soul experiences that lead to wisdom. In turn the world tree is a world of experience for our soul, and for our ongrowing dance of joy and in harmony with natural law and order.
We embody none of the negative qualities of the ego. We are fulfilled, and have come upon the mastery of one’s world/universe. We are in tune with the whole of things and complete.
With the runes and Tarot, we are the revealer of that which is hidden and giver of knowledge. We well learn of nonviolent communication and that wisdom is gentle in its application.
Hanged man * twelve * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless
The Chinese say that Americans are not patient enough. In waiting, we let go of aspiration and ego. In the ocean and hot springs we can let go. Take the plunge and recall that no wine will be served before its time. As we surrender to the divine we know that we cannot force anything.
We cannot rush things. We get what we want out of life, not just always how and when we might have in mind. Noninterference is the first law of spirituality. Allow things to ripen of their own accord, and recall that only a strong woman can stand up to her fate (and for better or worse). With uncompromising truthfulness, face yourself as is. Be accepting of things and at peace with the outcome. As we go into the darkness like chocolate, watch for being a cling on. Let go and unto the river of life. Give in to your feelings and trust the process.
As an American male I am oft caught emotionally numb and spiritually void. Hold sacred space and real eyes that it takes the feminine to balance the masculine. Consider some form of yoga or body movement and a heavy metal detox (zeolite, spirulina). Take good care of yourself via micronutrients (mushroom powders, cacao, vitamineral greens). Let things be and give it a rest.
Life is forgiving, life is for giving. Give yourself what you need. Compassion is my compass. As waterwoman (please help) take responsibility for this water planet. Consider to not judge a book by its cover, and to instead deepen your relationship with things. Sit with things and unto your wilderness within. Do nothing, observe, and wait things out. Ebb and flow with things and take the easy way out. Make the smooth transition.

In limbo and into the abyss/void, and the proverbial no thing ness, suspend judgment and take a good look at yourself and your truest of natures. As waterwoman hang out near your mother oceans, springs, lady of the lakes and river sisters. As priestess of the ponds, puddles and swamps, do not hesitate to put your plans on hold if you’re feeling beside yourself. If you’re in a tizzy over things, perhaps due to hang ups or hangover, hold out hope and for all to see. If you’re feeling walled off and with low pressure spinning (incessantly and/or out of control), pause to take a magnifying/looking glass to things, and fret not over being rabbit holed.
‘Tis all but the circle of life. Reconsider your self abnegation as more or less our loving defiance, and that 2019 may well be a most high and transcendent year. Carry the torch. Light the way.