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2019 * War and Peace * Hanged Man

Have recently had conversations with a fellow or two who has shared their fears of an imminent war, and of which leads me to revisit the Hanged Man for this 2019 and to think it may be worth a deeper look see, and given the perhaps dire consequences of our political landscape as is.

Callin' the Red - Democratic Presidents Playing Pool by Andy Thomas

Callin' the Red * Democratic Presidents playing pool by Andy Thomas

Seemingly a mad journey of no return, we are asked to but endure and to wait things out, and with little to no knowledge of the understory, and as we but sit and watch as things unfold. These trials and tribulations are proposed as involuntary change that must be accepted of, and wherein resistance is apparently futile. Do we decide to take responsibility for our own authority in the here and now, or do we defer to another authority, outside of oneself ??

war and peace by jinzilla on deviant art

war and peace by jinzilla on deviant art

The hanged man is the Big Surrender. Nothing less than a spiritual emergency, we are hanging in the balance, with nothing but us and our unshared resources at bay. We are in limbo and suspended (government workers without pay) between worlds, taken off our feet in psychosomatic ecstasy. We go unthinking and unto the unknown, and without bearings nor reference point, and with little other recourse than to just trust. ‘Tis the interior vigil and wherein we move from obey (him) to pray (with her). Heaven can’t wait. The hanged man is the link between the to be and not to be, between the real and unreal. Alone and all one, we move from perversion to prevision, receiving revelation from on high and perhaps learning of doing god’s work. Our process of enstasy may even subject us to public ridicule and isolation as we dangle in waiting, albeit as the nowhere man we know we are but now here and retain the said calm persona, and as we soften to receive, and as we real eyes that we just don’t know.

War and Peace by Jason Edmiston

War and Peace by Jason Edmiston

Find your peace. Surrender to love and share what you have to share. In moving from the material to immaterial, we move from materialism to spiritualism, and real eyes this here heaven on earth. Set down your bow and arrow, set down your weapons of choice. Keep your ear to the ground and ask, “what the robin knows ?” Recall that from great depths come great heights/understanding, and that we move from peace, love and understanding to joy.

In giving consent to the life I have been given, I sacrifice in order to make sacred. I fall in harmony and let things fall together. I let go of shoulda, woulda and coulda, and let go of how I think things should be. I surrender to the divine. I am the quiet woman and allow things to settle, and in order that I may get to the bottom of things. In waiting for the (relation) ship to right itself, I allow for the suspension of our more masculine ways and means. I allow for the suspension of will and intention and instead choose to meditate on things. I let go of the want and need to control and answer again in, “did not your morning come from darkness ?”

radiance by Morganne Forbes

radiance by Morganne Forbes

blessing by Morganne Forbes

blessing by Morganne Forbes

The hanged man is an initiation unto a new way of seeing and being. The hanged man is the initiate, the shaman, the alchemist and the yogi. Push the envelope. What is the most far out thing you can do ?? You are a most extra ordinary man. We are the children of light and her rainbow warriors. We are seedless, rootless and upon the roadless of ways.

Heavenly fire evaporates earthly waters. The cross is symbolic of matter, and the hanged man’s (fylfot) crossed legs symbolic of a triangle channel for spirit. See things true, see things thru.

Sit under the proverbial Yggdrasil. Recall that as the fish is to the sea, is the monk/saint to solitude. Suspend judgment and resentment and allow another their process.

Real eyes the divine and mundane as one in the same.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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