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2019 * Year of the Boar * Gullin Borsti

wild boar by Ohara Koson

Wild boar by Ohara Koson

Gonna change things up a bit and veer a continent to the east here toward the Viking’s Norse mythology to tap into another vantage point re: the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Boar.

Gullinbursti by Kate Hindley

Gullinbursti by Kate Hindley

Bringing protection and good luck, the Gullinbursti is a golden boar whose hair shines like the sun and moon. Its golden tusks plowed the land and tilled the soil. Lore tells of a flying boar that made plants grow everywhere and brought seeds to fruition/life, and whose golden rays shone like the sun. Pay heed to your ongrowing story and plant something. Put it in the ground.

Arduinna by Cyril Barreaux

Arduinna by Cyril Barreaux

The wild boar was also well associated with Arduinna, forest guardian and woodland goddess of the Ardennes (Belgium/Luxemborg). Riding atop the boar, she was storied for her strength and courage, and as her untamed spirit within gave way to her wild nature about. She was not one to be tied down by the commitments of love nor motherhood, and was not one to pass up nor judgment on the off/oft polyamorous liaison or coupla few. As free spirit she was anything but a damsel in distress waylaid behind castle walls, and was rather a healer that ran free unto the proverbial wilderness, and was known to emit a soft and everpresent glow. As we soften to receive, consider to shine upon all without favor.

Freyja by Richard Pace

Freyja by Richard Pace

As animal totem of Freyr/Freya, the boar is also associated with the rune Fehu. The query is what is wealth, prosperity, abundance and happiness, and how are we in relationship to the such ?? What is the reproductive force ?? Can we see with real eyes and of our deeper inner wealth ?? What is the meaning we ascribe to life ?? What is generosity to you ?? Fehu suggests a heightened intuition and that art/happiness is meant to be shared. Can your love be fulfilled ?? The caution is to ensure that one does not overextend, and that eye stay within myself. The further suggestion is to keep things in play, to initiate an enterprise/things, and to tend to your ongrowing story. Is it time to move from censor to sensor ?? What is galactivation for you ?? Another suggestion or coupla few is to be watchful for the proverbial snake in the grass and/or wolf in the woods, and to perhaps eliminate unsupporting elements in our life(style). Be productive and work on your electromagnetichemical connection. Consider to employ the psychospiritual arts and your psychosomatic resources. You are the conduit, you can do it.

Freya by Grace Palmer

Freya by Grace Palmer

And then there is Ingvi who rides over earth on his shining boar, bringing light and love back into the world. Or the wild ride of Wotan (Odin), possibly symbolic of our now brightest (heathen) hope reentering this very world of ours. Are you party to the (rainbow) warrior(s of the living light), ready to widen your circle and invite others in as our rainbow bridge, or do I continue to defer to the populous narrative of the battle pig/swine, wherein aggression inspires animosity, and we are comfortable eating meat rather than our (most high) fruit and vegetables, and in the company of elves, trolls and other magical beings which roam freely and in good nature ??

Valhalla Awaits by Antonio J. Manzanedo

Freyja by evelmiina on Deviant Art

Live with the integrity of loving kindness. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and intuit your way. Be into it. 2019 has no space/place for dishonesty and/or denial. Face the facts and address your state of the union. Accept responsibility for things and do the right thing. Be honest and impeccable with your word. Come about face with things that may be dreadful and/or uncomfortable in our lives, and step up and face the music/man in the mirror. End any avoidance tactics and deal with it. If you’ve been procrastinating and/or failing to confront someone/something, 2019 is a great year to really push thru challenging or difficult projects or endeavors that have been resisting your previous efforts. Escapism, indecision and feeling unsupported, leaves the door open to illness which festers in the body. Resolve to dissolve whichever it is that ails us. Recall that our greatest weakness is oft our greatest strength.


The query is am eye living a lie, and the remedy to see with real eyes. Consider to move from truth and consequences to truth and confrontation, and in the interest of the greater good.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

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