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When you get there * the re: * hanged man

Hakan Hisim Singular Sight

Eye am so there, and so know it, as the residue is one of a most heartfelt, thankfulness and gratefulness.

You have never fallen from grace. (Please) move from sinner to beginner. Begin again. Consider to live life anew, to reLife.

meditate love butterfly mandala third eye mariposa galactica isabel bryna

meditate love butterfly third eye mandala Mariposa Galactica/Isabel Bryna

Rest reassured that we soften to receive, that we are most resonant upon revelation, and that we revel in her as our first responder.

We recede to realign. Reset and reshuffle (the cards). With real eyes, reveal your most resplendent rebuild and recreation.

Vajraguru (Padmasambhava) Om (head) Ah (throat) Hung (heart)

Recall that you are so there, so do re mi fa so la ti (da) !! Oh do re mi, you don’t have to remind me. Eye am so there !!

Hanged man * 12 * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Ask the man in the mirror who is indeed the fairest of them all. Surrender to the divine and real eyes that no wine will be served before its time. Be accepting of things and at peace with the outcome. Let go of the “next level,” and the most high. And just like a low pressure spins counterclockwise, keep both hands upon the (great) turning. Light the way and carry the torch, and as we navigate the shards and shades of grey that distract us from the truth. Drop your hidden agenda for the truth, and nothing but. Learn divination and make sacred space. With compassion as your compass, stay true to your truest of natures. And as the nowhere man is now here, recall that only a strong woman can stand up to her fate. Real eyes that life is forgiving, and that life is for giving. Feel it, know it, and live it. Let her be and recall again that the way out is (with)in.

hanged man 12 James Wanless Voyager Tarot



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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