Still Bernie * July 30, 2019 * Democratic Presidential Debate * Fox Theater * Detroit Michigan
Bit of a surprise that I found myself in front of the computer for the second round of Democratic debates. And whether this is in some part an end to apathy for the one or many of us, I can’t but wonder in part if these are but our god given candidates, and our god given government ??
Will also add that I am a screaming Green and think that Hillary woulda been worse than the Donald, and…. let’s be real, it’s a Dem or back to Trumpism come 2021, unless you like Jesse.

Marianne Williamson came closest to the truth for me, with mention of “dark psychic forces,” and that “wonkiness” won’t work in the face of our collectivized hate (and school shootings). She also touched upon our “environmental injustices.” Steve Bullock joined in with talk of a “clean energy economy,” and while rejoining Marianne in claiming that Wash DC is captured by “dark money.” He along with John Delaney, half accused Warren/Sanders of “fairytale” or “wishlist” economics, along with (Delaney) sounding the call for an increased investment in renewables. Tim Ryan ventured that a sustainable/regenerative ag system is a must, and with the thought that we could then get “good food” into our schools/communities.

Amy Klobuchar championed infrastructure and the exclamation/proclamation to “fix the damn roads.” Was also taken by her promise to do the job without fear nor favor.
Beto was the first to make mention of a reparations bill (Marianne tagged along/on as well), and while Mayor Pete suggested that we amend the Constitution and depoliticize the Supreme Court. Buttigieg half proclaimed himself of a “back to the future” candidacy of sorts, and volunteered that we best reunite the Republican party with its conscience.

Liz chimed in with the notion that multinational corporations are anything but patriotic, and Bernie was keen on ridding ourselves of the profiteering drug companies. He was fast to remind everyone that Medicare for All is comprehensive, that there would now be no bill after the hospital for us gentiles/rank ‘n filers, and that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege.

He also made mention of our prison industrial complex, and while I wonder of whom will print the money, and what about apartheid in America and the plight of our homeless ??
ps. John Hickenlooper was there as well and spoke quite well of/for himself.
Bernie Sanders 2021 * Illumination * ace of wands
Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
Move from peace, love and understanding to peace, love and joy. Radiate out thru this perceived darkness. Continue to search for truth and answers. Trust your intuition, and consider that you are already a guiding light. Represent and work to illumine others. Use your purity, clarity and honesty to burn out any impurities of character. Clean out your dark and/or shadowy (Trumpist) personalities. Live in the fire of life, and live life to the fullest.
Know what gives you energy and vitality. Be passionate. Make changes and expand upon things. Consider that you may well be a revolutionary. Share of your energetic and help others to understand. Revere of your revelations and visions, and consider to create the conditions for dramatic insights that blow your mind. Work to see past our material reality, and rather follow your intuition and dreamtime transmissions. Hold the torch of personal revolution by breaking thru entrapping patterns, habits, forms and perceptions. Activate and live in the fire of life. Tend to your fire in the belly, and do your best to make way for your kundalini rising.
Do well to take your time and to tend to your home base, both within and without. Move from bored again to born again. Stay away from drugs and rather sing with the plants. Real eyes that irrevocable change on all levels of being follows new insights. See things true, see things thru.
Reach out and touch someone, and while you recall that the hand is but an extension of our heart.