Bernie ‘n Liz * July 31, 2019 * Democratic Presidential Debate * Fox Theatre * Detroit Michigan
Not sure what has come over me, as found myself following up round one of the most recent Presidential debates, with a read in full of the Night 2 transcript of the Democratic debate, and still not much if anything has changed from my vantage point. It is still Liz ‘n Bernie, or bust.
They have it right. Neither of them are taking a dime from Wall St. nor Silicon Valley, and have just said no to corporate donors. Their grassroot campaigns have raised near $20m each, and with average donations of $18 and $28 per donation. They say they are putting the people first.
Clay Jones/
They also have it right re: health care. There is no public option, no private option, and there is no employer based insurance, at least relatively speaking, as the key case in point, is that they are keeping the blood sucking monsters away from the table, i.e. Big Pharma and the insurance companies. Keep your options open, and you might as well keep your pockets open as well.
Mayor Bill DeBlasio championed raising the minimum wage (we need to institute a maximum wage btw), and suggested that we do have socialism now, for the rich. Senator Michael Bennet made mention of mass incarceration, and in terms of our high school drop outs to prison pipeline, and of how our income inequality is getting worse. And Vice President Joe Biden bantered that we are now stronger due to our diversity, and countered that Obamacare is working (for whom ?), and added that drug peoples should go to rehab and not just to jail.
Governor Jay Inslee is the number one ranked environgentleman according to Greenpeace, and is touting a clean energy economy, making mention of offshore winds and charging stations.

Senator Cory Booker ranked just behind Inslee with Greenpeace, called prisons a raging problem, and was none to happy that we spend one in five dollars on health care. He champions the black woman, and says that he will stand by you/us, and would like to legalize herb on the federal level. Senator Kamala Harris further stated that access to health care is a right (how ‘bout drinking water in Flint ?), and offered a cautionary tale in regards to separating employers from health care, and queried as to whether we are dealing in science fiction or fact ?? She was not so happy with the fact that black women are paid 61 cents on the male dollar (Latinas 53 cents). Senator Kirsten Gillibrand added that about 4/10 moms had to work, and that 8/10 do work. She sounded the alarm for what she referred to as institutional/systemic racism here in America, and exhorted that she would care about the least among us.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard shared that we rather have a sick care system, and with big Pharma and insurance companies profiting off the backs of sick peoples. She was against what she referred to as wasteful regime change wars, and also exhorted that she would put your interests above all else. Secretary Julian Castro made mention of affordable housing and referenced peoples sleeping on the streets. Andrew Yang belabored the notion that people of color have been left with lower levels of capital, education and resources, and in the coming face of artificial intelligence. He would like to end what he referred to as the forever wars, and acknowledged that most Americans cannot pay their bills, and that women do unrecognized and/or uncompensated work. He also would like to give you $1k/month in basic income.

If the Dems prop up Joe B. as their post Hillary default candidate of choice, my guess is that the Donald will near sleep walk to victory. If it’s not Liz ‘n Bernie, thinkin’ we’ll get what we deserve.
Bernie ‘n Liz 2020 * learner * Child of Crystals * revolutionary breakthrough * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle
To remain status quo with the DNC is to continue to look at the world thru the narrow lens of olde learning, to insist on not adapting, and to continue to implement limited ways of learning.
Do your research. Do not stay fixed on olde knowledge, for it may block new (peace, love and) understanding. Consider to see with a fresh point of view. See things true, see things thru.
Open an investigation unto things. Do your own feasibility study. Break thru olde conditioning and olde values. Let go of obsolete beliefs that have become your security blankets.
Be open to a revolutionary breakthrough. Consider to open the density of your awareness, and to instead real eyes the new dawning at hand. Recall that innocence is bliss, and that it wise and best to know thyself. Further recall that we are indeed the peoples, that we have been waiting for, and that the time is now, and the person is you.
Vote with your conscience.