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year of the emperor * builder * immune defense

Theologue by Alex Grey

When contemplating the year of the emperor (2020 = 2+2 = 4), don’t think it ever dawned on me with the emperor as the builder, that we would be tasked with the building of our immune defense systems this new year. And so it is, and as we are fast upon colloidial silver, red algae and iodine in defense of the newly arrived CoVid-19, and along with the usual green and brown powders, the requisite superfoods and fruits, and in addition to reishi and licorice root tea.

And lest I forget nearly the most important element in building one’s immune, and that is to stop putting down the hatch the foodstuffs that weaken and compromise our immune in the first place. The holy trinity of no-no’s are (refined) sugar, wheat (gluten) and dairy, and not far if any behind them is the cooking with oils and the eating of meat. Abstain from those and you’re (at least) halfway home. Remember to eat all the (rainbow) colors, and to first eat foods with water in them, and you are much further along than most. And painful for the most of us is to eliminate (or close to) caffeine (converts to glucose), and alcohol (or most anything fermented).

Other antivirals worth researching out are bee pollen, propolis and thyme. If you feel anything at all in your throat, that is reason enough to take echinacea, and preferably with goldenseal as that is the essential/necessary antimicrobial coconspirator. Personal faves of mine include black seed cumin oil (cures everything save for death) and noni juice (cleanses digestive system).

Chaga (mushroom) prolly has more antioxidant properties than most anything else on this planet, and if accessible in your state, a 50/50 or 65/35 blend of thc/cbd (in tincture) has been shown to be (very) effective in dealing with many an immune imbalance/disease.

If you listen to the likes of David (Avocado) Wolfe, the Medical Medium (.com), Paul Stamets, Gabriel Cousens, or the like, you might find yourself reaching for wild blueberries or (super) blue green algae, Sun Potion or Malama Mushroom products, or wishing to review the entire product line for Host Defense and/or HealthForce Nutritionals (Vitamineral Greens). In addition to your micronutrients and mushroom powders, you can go further out on the limb and research out the likes of DMSO or orhum/colloidial gold. Will also add that carob, zeolite and other products are helpful with heavy metal detox, and in the interest of your microbiome/gastrointestinal system, and of which is three quarters of your immune defense system.

There is also much to be gained from the practice of movement arts, like yoga, dance, pilates, chi gong, and things like swimming, hiking and biking. Even better is the practice of stillness in meditation and in nature, and to hold sacred space and “spiritualize” as and when you can.

Aperture by Alex Grey

Aperture by Alex Grey

Would also like to bring special attention to an overriding element in our ongrowing story of consciousness and finding divinity in our lives and relationships to things, otherwise known as our pineal gland, central to our psychic awareness and what eye call (our) divine galactivation.

The problem and/or challenge at present is that, and as most of us unknowingly so, are being bombarded by aluminum and other toxic heavy metals via chemtrails/geoengineering, 5G, WiFi, glyphosate, industrial runoff and pollutants/smog, fluoridated drinking water and the orchestration of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program).

the Seer by Alex Grey

All of the abovementioned interfere with our immune and our electromagnetichemical (brain) functions, which are better off with sunlight and dark bitter greens and no soda. Am also suspicious that the more we eat raw, the less we may have of war (what is it good for ?)

The end game according to some is the calcification or eroding of our pineal gland, courtesy of the (excessive) consumption of alcohol, tobacco and coffee, mercury (in seafood), and the ingesting of processed foods and refined sugars. Decalcification of the pineal gland is aided by taking in boron (beets), raw apple cider vinegar, garlic, iodine (cautionary tale in that it lowers calcium levels in some), tamarind and distilled water. We can also detox via leafy greens which help to transfer calcium from arteries/pineal gland to our bones, and whereof it belongs.

the Pineal Gland Diet

The answer and first response is to ingest what is in the best interest of your bodily constitution. Worry less about other’s concerns, i.e. not enough protein/calcium and the lot, and in turn seek out the wisdom of the elders for best dietary practices, i.e. indigenous diets and the dieta.

Sophia by Alex Grey

Sophia by Alex Grey

Build your immune. Consume consciously and take responsibility for your personal constitution. Maintain dominion over your body, mind and emos. Make dietary decisions in the best interest of your personal body politics. Be self governing and real eyes that your body is sovereign unto itself. Save room for yes and to consider the energetics of your foodstuffs. Read John Robbins’ Diet for a New America. Eat organic and go no gmo. Take a hands on approach and plant a garden. Make your dining table a sacred space. Start from scratch in the kitchen and garden.

ps. and lest you ever feel overwhelmed or really feel like you just need to let it all go, just recall that you don’t need to be a fanatic about things, and please feel free to revert to form, if and when need be (i.e. ye ol’ milk ‘n cookies, a big plate of pasta, or even some chips or biscuits 😊

Emperor * four * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

possess the mental clarity of the eagle, the emotional strength of the whale and the physical energy of the ram * Emperor * four in Voyager Tarot by James Wanless

emperor * four * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Stay within yourself and do not overextend your body. Recall that you are the cosmic seed and that as emperor, you are youthful, vital and energetic. Hold sacred space and recall that your vibration is what shifts the field. Shine upon all without favor and in making decisions in the best interest of the all, and as we all well recall that the truth starts together.



"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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