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2024 Card of the Year * Balance * Tarot, song & prayer

You have arrived.  Your chariot (of 2023) has come to a stop.  You can get off now.

Build your song and sing it.  Build your prayer and share of it.  And as we move closer to it.

Balance * eight * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless


Creativity comes from (being @/in) balance.  There is the suggestion for consciously slowing down.  Consider to put an end to your balancing act, to flip the story, and to turn things around, and to ask the question: do you really have to be so on point, and so all of the time ?? !!

I am so perplexed.  Should I or shouldn’t eye ?? !!  Is it really the year (to finally) pull out the mythical xCalibur, so timelessly encased in its sheath of the status quo ??  And if things don’t in turn fall all to pieces, what’s to say that things will rather all fall together ?? !!

Saber's Legendary Excalibur: Holy Sword of Promised Victory (Fate/stay night)

When our air mind meets our water body of emotion, we find ourselves @god’s or our mind’s eye, and @soul level.  Change perspectives like the crystal.  Respond appropriately.  Consider to tend to things with precision rather than perfection, and to be impeccable with your word.  Fully express your feelings, and do your best to keep compassion as your compass.  Keep dancing.

Don’t be afraid to upset the apple cart.  Watch for being too soft headed, the person that just blows with the wind and most always just agrees with the person of last.  Rather keep a tidy house and room, and make decisions in September/October.


Synthesis * eight of crystals * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle


It all comes together.  Be crystal clear.  Draw & write.  Sing & speak.  Be a unifier and harmonizer.  Find common ground.  Make whole.  There is nothing to fear of being practical.

Stagnation * eight of cups * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle


There is no turning back on the truth.  Olde haunts are not what they used to be, and I have outgrown relationships of days gone by.  Is it time to mourn and move on ??  Clear the emo debris from around your heart.  Make way for your next undertaking.  Greenlight that collab.  Sow your seed and plant your garden anew.  Clear away the dark and foreboding olde mulch.  Make a clean sweep and till the soil anew.  Move from the stag nation to a relation ship (and recall that there is just one relationship).

Starry Night by Shadow Hero

When the music stops and you’re feeling the blah, blah, blahs, real eyes that there are new seeds germinating.  Don’t stop halfway.  As the quiet woman, remember to drink enough water, and to recall that the rule of thumb is nothing in excess, and that ‘tis all compost for the soul.

Change * eight of worlds * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle

Where in the world is your nest ?? !!  Recall that luck is when preparation meets opportunity, and is the residue of design.  Lay low and stay low key.  Get things sorted.  Get after it and get your work done.  Don’t overdo it, but take care of your biz.  Consider to do the taboo, and to take a bite out of the proverbial apple.  Sing your song and share of your prayer.  Sprout, bud and flower.  Unfold, branch out and blossom.  Doe a deer, a female deer, a drop of golden sun.  Be soft and receptive.  Be someone that peoples can count on.  Be reliable.

Harmony * eight of wands * Voyager Tarot by James Wanless * Way of the Great Oracle


We are @our best in concert and in ensemble.  Hit that note, keep to the beat, and stay in harmony with others.  Practice on the regular.  Get under the rainbow and away for the really big picture.  ‘Tis time to head in that direction.  Slip thru and under cover, and find oneself out and upon the narrow but well established path.  Recall that music heals and remember to dance to the music.  Do not ignore nor censor and keep in accord with the harmonious whole. Recall that nothing says in harmony like "I love you."




"a ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what it's built for.... twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore, dream, discover." Mark Twain.

© 2017 by nalu verde * created with

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